Publications for Monica K. Bidwal
Bidwal, M. K., Lor, K. B., Yu, J., & Ip, E. J. (2017). Evaluation of asthma medication adherence rates and strategies to improve adherence in the underserved population at a Federally Qualified Health Center. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 13(4), 759-766.
Ip, E. J., Nguyen, K., Shah, B. M., Doroudgar, S., & Bidwal, M. K. (2016). Motivations and predictors of cheating in pharmacy school. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 80(8) [Article 133]. This material can be found here.
Bidwal, M. K., Ip, E. J., Shah, B. M., & Serino, M. J. (2015). Stress, drugs, and alcohol use among health care professional students: A focus on prescription stimulants. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28(6), 535-542. doi:10.1177/0897190014544824
Ho, J., Bidwal, M. K., Lopes, I. C., Shah, B. M., & Ip, E. J. (2014). Implementation of an accelerated physical examination course in a doctor of pharmacy program. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(10) [Article 182]. doi:10.5688/ajpe7810182