Publications for Ronald J. Brown

New York School of Career and Applied Studies
  • Brown, R. J. (2016). How New York City invented the holiday season: The rise and fall of the world's first global holiday. Journal of Unification Studies, 17, 195-228. This material can be found here.

  • Brown, R. J. (2015). Paraguay as a holy land: From the Guarani Indians to Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Journal of Unification Studies, 16, 185-220. 

  • Brown, R. J. (2010). Taking UTS to the streets: Teaching living religions in the neighborhoods of New York City. Journal of Unification Studies, 11, 91-118. This material can be found here.

  • Brown, R. J. (2009). How New York became the Empire City: A mythical tour of lower Manhattan. Elmhurst, NY: Sacred City Books.

  • Brown, R. J. (2008). Into the soul of African-American Harlem: A spiritual walking tour. Elmhurst, NY: Sacred City Books.

  • Brown, R. J. (2007). A religious history of Flushing, Queens: From the Flushing Remonstrance until today. Elmhurst, NY: Sacred City Books.