Publications for Maria Chiechi
NYMC School of Medicine
Guerra, J. R., Newman, T., & Chiechi, M. (2015). Atlas of central venous access: An illustrated guide for the physicians. Urban Medicine, 1(1), 38-41. This material can be found here.
Viviano, R., & Chiechi, M. (2015). Augmenting gestalt in pursuit of shared decision making. Urban Medicine, 1(1), 43-45. This material can be found here.
Castro, J., Billick, S. B., Kleiman, A., Chiechi, M., & Al-Rashdan, M. (2014). Confounding psychosis in the postpartum period. The Psychiatric Quarterly, 85(1), 91-96. doi:10.1007/s11126-013-9271-5