Publications for Rebecca Cope

Touro College of Pharmacy (New York)
  • Sorbera, M. A., Friedman, M. L., & Cope, R. (2017). New and emerging evidence on the use of second-generation direct acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C virus in renal impairment. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 30(3), 359-365.

  • Cope, R., Glowa, T., Faulds, S., McMahon, D., & Prasad, R. (2016). Treating hepatitis C in a Ryan White-funded HIV clinic: Has the treatment uptake improved in the interferon-free directly active antiviral era? AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 30(2), 51-55. doi:10.1089/apc.2015.0222

  • Cope, R., Berkowitz, L., Arcebido, R., Yeh, J. Y., Trustman, N., & Cha, A. (2015). Evaluating the effects of an interdisciplinary practice model with pharmacist collaboration on HIV patient co-morbidities. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 29(8), 445-453. doi:10.1089/apc.2015.0018

  • Cope, R., Pickering, A., Glowa, T., Faulds, S., Veldkamp, P., & Prasad, R. (2015). Majority of HIV/HCV patients need to switch antiretroviral therapy to accommodate direct acting antivirals. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 29(7), 379-383. doi:10.1089/apc.2015.0004