Publications for Diana J. Cunningham

NYMC School of Health Sciences and Practice
NYMC Health Sciences Library
  • Cunningham, D. J. (2014). Library administration in health sciences libraries. In Wood, M. S. (Ed.), Health Sciences Librarianship (pp. 349-375). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

  • Tieder, J. S., Altman, R. L., Bonkowsky, J. L., Brand, D. A., Claudius, I., Cunningham, D. J., . . . Smith, M. B. H. (2014). Management of apparent life-threatening events in infants: A systematic review. Pediatria Polska, 89(3), T15-T29. doi:10.1016/j.pepo.2014.04.008

  • Tieder, J. S., Altman, R. L., Bonkowsky, J. L., Brand, D. A., Claudius, I., Cunningham, D. J., ... DeWolfe, C. (2013). Management of apparent life-threatening events in infants: a systematic review. Journal of Pediatrics, 163(1), 94-99.  doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.12.086