Publications for Stuart Feldman
Tarbutton, P. N., Feldman, S., & Griffith, D. P. (1979, August). Acetohydroxamic acid does not affect the determination of urea nitrogen. Clinical Chemistry, 25(8), 1516.
Feldman, S. (1978, June). Effect of heptabarbital on bioavailability of bishydroxycoumarin in the rat--a reply. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 20(3), 611-612.
Feldman, S., Putcha, L., & Griffith, D. P. (1978, May). Pharmacokinetics of acetohydroxamic acid. Preliminary investigations. Investigative Urology, 15(6), 498-501.
Hoecker, J. L., Pickering, L. K., Swaney, J., Kramer, W. G., van Eys, J., Feldman, S., & Kohl, S. (1978, May). Clinical pharmacology of tobramycin in children. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 137(5), 592-596.
Putcha, L., Nandiwada, P., Feldman, S., Bruckner, J. V., & Kramer, W. G. (1978, January). Effect of heptabarbital on bioavailability of bishydroxycoumarin in the rat. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 19(1), 67-74.
Ravis, W. R., & Feldman, S. (1978, February). Effect of enzyme-inducing and enzyme-inhibiting agents on drug absorption I: 3-O-methylglucose transport in rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 67(2), 245-248.
Feldman, S., & Putcha, L. (1977). Effect of anti-parkinsonism drugs on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in the rat. Pharmacology, 15(6), 503-511.
Kramer, W. G., & Feldman, S. (1977, December). Apparent metabolism of allopurinol by blood--a preliminary report. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology, 18(4), 781-784.
Feldman, S., & Reinhard, M. (1976, October). Interaction of sodium alkyl sulfates with everted rat small intestinal membrane. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 65(10), 1460-1462.
Feldman, S., DeFrancisco, M., & Cascella, P. J. (1975, October). Activity of local anesthetic agents in goldfish. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 64(10), 1713-1715.
Feldman, S. (1974, March/April). Physicochemical factors influencing drug absorption from the intramuscular injection site. Bulletin of the Parenteral Drug Association, 28(2), 53-63.
Feldman, S., & Carlstedt, B. C. (1974, February). Letter: Effect of antacid on absorption of enteric-coated aspirin. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 227(6), 660-661.
Feldman, S., & Reidenberg, M. M. (1974). Letter: Stability of aspirin in propoxyphene compound dosage forms. New England Journal of Medicine, 291(4), 211.
Feldman, S., Richardson, J., Freeman, C., Pollock, S., Berger, J., Kaplan, F., & Rhoa, G. (1974, March). In vitro assessment of in vivo absorption of drug complexes. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 63(3), 454-456.
Feldman, S., Reinhard, M., & Willson, C. (1973, December). Effect of sodium taurodeoxycholate on biological membranes: Release of phosphorus, phospholipid, and protein from everted rat small intestine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 62(12), 1961-1964.
Feldman, S., Gibaldi, M., & Reinhard, M. (1971, July). Estimation of diffusion coefficients and molecular weights of interacting colloids from dissolution-rate data. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 60(7), 1105-1107.
Gibaldi, M., Boyes, R. N., & Feldman, S. (1971, September). Influence of first-pass effect on availability of drugs on oral administration. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 60(9), 1338-1340.
Feldman, S., Salvino, M., & Gibaldi, M. (1970, May). Physiologic surface-active agents and drug absorption. VII. effect of sodium deoxycholate on phenol red absorption in the rat. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 59(5), 705-707.
Gibaldi, M., & Feldman, S. (1970, May). Mechanisms of surfactant effects on drug absorption. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 59(5), 579-589.