Publications for Simcha Fishbane

Graduate School of Jewish Studies
Office of the President
  • Fishbane, S. (2000). Fools and crazies! How could they contemplate evil towards the king: The homilies of Rabbi Yechiel Halevi Epstein. In R. Margolin (Ed.), Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies: Division B.: History of the Jewish people (pp. 241-255). Jerusalem, Israel: World Union of Jewish Studies.

  • Fishbane, S. (2000). Secular studies are the supplement of Torah studies –Kol Ben Levi – The homilies of Rabbi Yehiel Mechel Halevi Epstein – The first sermon. The Annual of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern, 3(1), 123-142. doi: 10.1163/157007000X00055

  • Fishbane, S. (1998). Go enjoy your acquisition- the prostitute in the Babylonian Talmud. In J. Neusner (Ed.), Approaches to Ancient Judaism-New Series, 13, 71–90. Atlanta: Scholars Press.

  • Fishbane, S. (1995). Back to the yeshiva: The social dynamics of an orthodox sabbath morning service.  In J. Lightstone &  F. Bird (Eds.), Ritual and ethnic identity: A comparative study of the social meaning of liturgical ritual in synagogues (pp. 123-133). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier Press. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1995). Contemporary Bar Mitzvah rituals in modern orthodoxy. In J. Lightstone & F. Bird (Eds.), Ritual and ethnic identity: A comparative study of the social meaning of liturgical ritual in synagogues (pp. 155-167). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier Press. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1995). Jewish morning rites: A process of resocialization.  In J. Lightstone & F. Bird (Eds.), Ritual and ethnic identity: A comparative study of the social meaning of liturgical ritual in synagogues (pp. 169-184). Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier Press. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1995). The boldness of a halakhist: Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Epstein and modernity. In Y. Rabkin & I. Robinson (Eds.), The interaction of scientific and Jewish cultures in modern times (pp. 67-86). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

  • Fishbane, S. (1993). In any case there are no sinful thoughts- the role and status of women in Jewish law as expressed in the Arukh Hashulchan. Judaism, 42(4), 492-503. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1993). Most women engage in sorcery: An analysis of sorceresses in the Babylonian Talmud. Jewish History, 7(1), 27-42.

  • Fishbane, S. (1993). Most women engage in sorcery. In H. W. Basser & S. Fishbane (Eds.), Approaches to ancient Judaism, 5, 143-165. Atlanta: Scholars Press. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1992). Is it a crime to be interdisciplinary: A different approach to the study of modern Jewish law. In M. Despland & G. Vallée (Eds.), Religion in history: The word, the idea, the reality (pp. 145-156). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1992). Modernity and change amongst East European Jewry at the end of the 19th century. In P. B. T. Bilaniuk, & R. Pillinger ( Eds.), The divine life, light, and love: euntes in mundum universum: festschrift in honour of Petro B.T. Bilaniuk (pp. 205-217). Graz, Austria: Andreas Schnider Verlags-Atelier.

  • Fishbane, S., Schoenfeld, S., & Golschläger, A. (1992). The social scientific study of Judaism and Jewish society. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav.

  • Fishbane, S. (1991). A response to the challenge of the modern era as reflected in the writings of Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Epstein. In S. Fishbane, S. Schoenfeld, & Al Goldschläger (Eds.) The Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society (Vol. 2). Hoboken, N.J. : Ktav Pub. House.

  • Fishbane, S. (1991, Spring). Towards an understanding of the methodology of Mishnah: The case of Kutim. Journal of Religion and Culture. 5, 57-78.

  • Fishbane, S. (1991). The ideal rabbinic society: An analysis of Sugyat Bet Knesset in Babylonian Talmud Megillah 25b-29a. Journal of the Society of Rabbis in Academia, 1(1).

  • Fishbane, S. (1991). The method and meaning of the Mishnah Berura. Hoboken, NJ: KTAV. This material can be found here.

  • Fishbane, S. (1990). Jewish mourning rites: A process of resocialization. Anthropologica, 31(1), 65-84.

  • Fishbane, S. (1990). Long live the tsar: Rabbi Yechiel Mechel Halevi Epstein and the Russian government. Proceedings of the World Congress of Jewish Studies (pp. 309-316). Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies.

  • Fishbane, S. (1990). Structure and form in halakhic literature: A different approach to the study of modern Jewish law. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 2(1), 72-90. doi: 10.1163/157006890X00121

  • Fishbane, S. (1990). The supra-legal materials in Israel Mayer Hacohen's Mishnah Berurah. In S. Fishbane, J. N. Lightstone, & Levin, V. (Eds.), The Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society (pp. 203-214). Montréal, Québec, Canada: Concordia University.

  • Fishbane, S. (1988-1989, Winter). Back to the yeshiva: A social-anthropological study of a prayer service in a shtibel. Paradigms, 4(2), 134-151.

  • Fishbane, S. (1987). A study of rituals related to the Israelite soldier in the Torah and Mishnah. Journal of Religion and Culture, 1(1), 24-37.

  • Fishbane, S. (1987). Contemporary bar mitzvah rituals in modern orthodoxy. Journal of Religion and Culture, 2(1), 166-189.

  • Fishbane, S. (1986). Legitimizing war in Judaism.  Arc, 13(2) 36-49.

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