Publications for Ira Gold

Lander College of Arts and Sciences
  • Gold, I. (2016). Debasements of Brooklyn. Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Press.

  • Gold, I. (2012). Berish in America. Stand Magazine, 10(4).

  • Gold, I. (2012). Kick. Tugboat Magazine

  • Gold, I. (2012). To buy and to hold. Tugboat Magazine

  • Gold, I. (2011). David Grossman's long march [Review of the book To the end of the land]. Midstream, 57(2), 43-44.

  • Gold, I. (2011). Israeli films celebrate Israeli novels. Midstream, 57(3), 20.

  • Gold, I. (2008, Spring). Auschwitz buddy. Rosebud, 41, 86-93.

  • Gold, I. (2001). Love offerings. Image: A Journal of Religion and Literature, 30, 23-31.

  • Gold, I. (1999, Fall). Pearl. Response, 69, 57-58.

  • Gold, I. (1999, Spring). Mandel. The Green Hills Literary Lantern, 10, 6-13.

  • Gold, I. (1998). Bernstein. Whiskey Island, 21(2).

  • Gold, I. (1998). Frumkin's choice. Midstream, 44(5), 30-33.

  • Gold, I. (1998). Himmelman connected-1984. Mobius: Journal for Social Change, 9(3).

  • Gold, I. (1998). Sacred crackers. Image: A Journal of Religion and Literature, 20, 7-13.

  • Gold, I. (1997, Autumn). Defenseless. The Rockford Review, 16(3), 11-12.

  • Gold, I. (1997). Chaya. New Delta Review, 14(2), 5-23.

  • Gold, I. (1997). Looking for Shem. Sounding East, 19(1), 51-60.

  • Gold, I. (1996). A doll's life. Mark: A Literary Journal, 12, 50-56.

  • Gold, I. (1996, January). Zip city. City Primeval, 1(2), 9-18.

  • Gold, I. (1995). Folklaw. Kerem, 4.

  • Gold, I. (1995). Pests. The Madison Review, 15(2), 42-50.

  • Gold, I. (1995, Spring/Summer). Dreamday. Pennsylvania English, 19(2), 38-47.

  • Gold, I. (1992). The Vizoosa of Flatbush. Midstream, 38(5), 40-42.

  • Gold, I. (1991). Scapegoats. Midstream, 37(8), 34-36.

  • Gold, I. (1989). The heat wave. Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, 7(1), 107-111.