Publications for Ira Gold
Gold, I. (2016). Debasements of Brooklyn. Sag Harbor, NY: Permanent Press.
Gold, I. (2012). Berish in America. Stand Magazine, 10(4).
Gold, I. (2012). Kick. Tugboat Magazine.
Gold, I. (2012). To buy and to hold. Tugboat Magazine.
Gold, I. (2011). David Grossman's long march [Review of the book To the end of the land]. Midstream, 57(2), 43-44.
Gold, I. (2011). Israeli films celebrate Israeli novels. Midstream, 57(3), 20.
Gold, I. (2008, Spring). Auschwitz buddy. Rosebud, 41, 86-93.
Gold, I. (2001). Love offerings. Image: A Journal of Religion and Literature, 30, 23-31.
Gold, I. (1999, Fall). Pearl. Response, 69, 57-58.
Gold, I. (1999, Spring). Mandel. The Green Hills Literary Lantern, 10, 6-13.
Gold, I. (1998). Bernstein. Whiskey Island, 21(2).
Gold, I. (1998). Frumkin's choice. Midstream, 44(5), 30-33.
Gold, I. (1998). Himmelman connected-1984. Mobius: Journal for Social Change, 9(3).
Gold, I. (1998). Sacred crackers. Image: A Journal of Religion and Literature, 20, 7-13.
Gold, I. (1997, Autumn). Defenseless. The Rockford Review, 16(3), 11-12.
Gold, I. (1997). Chaya. New Delta Review, 14(2), 5-23.
Gold, I. (1997). Looking for Shem. Sounding East, 19(1), 51-60.
Gold, I. (1996). A doll's life. Mark: A Literary Journal, 12, 50-56.
Gold, I. (1996, January). Zip city. City Primeval, 1(2), 9-18.
Gold, I. (1995). Folklaw. Kerem, 4.
Gold, I. (1995). Pests. The Madison Review, 15(2), 42-50.
Gold, I. (1995, Spring/Summer). Dreamday. Pennsylvania English, 19(2), 38-47.
Gold, I. (1992). The Vizoosa of Flatbush. Midstream, 38(5), 40-42.
Gold, I. (1991). Scapegoats. Midstream, 37(8), 34-36.
Gold, I. (1989). The heat wave. Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, 7(1), 107-111.