Publications for Michael S. Goligorsky
Ratliff, B. B., & Goligorsky, M. S. (2013). Delivery of EPC embedded in HA-hydrogels for treatment of acute kidney injury. Biomatter, 3(1) [Article e23284]. doi:10.4161/biom.23284
Ratliff, B. B., Rabadi, M. M., Vasko, R., Yasuda, K., & Goligorsky, M. S. (2013). Messengers without borders: Mediators of systemic inflammatory response in AKI. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 24(4), 529-536. doi:10.1681/ASN.2012060633
Vasko, R., & Goligorsky, M. S. (2013). Dysfunctional lysosomal autophagy leads to peroxisomal oxidative burnout and damage during endotoxin-induced stress. Autophagy, 9(3), 442-444. doi:10.4161/auto.23344
Vasko, R., Ratliff, B. B., Bohr, S., Nadel, E., Xavier, S., Chander, P. N., . . . Goligorsky, M. S. (2013). Endothelial peroxisomal dysfunction and impaired pexophagy promotes oxidative damage in lipopolysaccharide-induced acute kidney injury. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 19(3), 211-230. doi:10.1089/ars.2012.4768