Publications for Steven Huberman

Graduate School of Social Work
  • Showstack, G., Feldstein, D., Huberman, S., Levy-Shochat, E., Goldberg, D., Goldman, N., . . . Margolis, D. J. (1998/1999, Winter/Spring). Bernard Reisman: Mentor, colleague, friend. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 75, 2-3.

  • Huberman, S. (1993). Preparing for the Jewish future. Reconstructionist: A Journal of Creative Jewish Thought, 58(2).

  • Huberman, S. (1991). Judaism: Vol. 40. Festschrift in honor of Dr. Robert Gordis (pp. 498-505). New York, NY: American Jewish Congress.

  • Huberman, S. (1990). Reaching in, reaching out: Satisfying the spiritual hunger of today's Jews. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 66(4).

  • Huberman, S. (1989). The costs of religious disunity. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 65(3).

  • Huberman, S. (1988). Jewish megatrends: Planning for the twenty-first century. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 64(4).

  • Huberman, S., Goldstein, S., & Kosmin, B. A. (1990). Reprint Series, No. 4: A handle on the future: The potential of the 1990 National Survey for American Jewry. New York, NY: North American Jewish Data Bank.

  • Huberman, S. (1987). Making Jewish leaders. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 64(1).

  • Huberman, S. (1986). Jews in economic distress. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 62(3).

  • Huberman, S. (1985). Understanding synagogue affiliation. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 61(4), 295-304.

  • Huberman, S. (1984). Evaluation as a planning and management tool. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 61(2), 117-125.

  • Huberman, S. (1984). Growing old in Jewish America: A study of the Jewish aged in Los Angeles. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 60(4).

  • Huberman, S. (1984). Using Jewish population study data for decision making: Theoretical considerations and practical experience. In S. M. Cohen, J. S. Woocher, & B. A. Phillips (Eds.), Perspectives in Jewish population research. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

  • Huberman, S. (1982). From Christianity to Judaism: Religion changers in American society. Conservative Judaism, 36(1), 10-32.

  • Huberman, S. (1981). Becoming a Reform Jew: Problems and prospects. Journal of Reform Judaism, 28(3), 58-67.

  • Huberman, S. (1981). Conversion to Judaism: An analysis of family matters. Judaism: Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 30(3), 312-321.

  • Huberman, S. (1980). Building bridges: Toward realistic links between research and planning in Jewish communal life. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 57(1).

  • Huberman, S. (1979). Jews and non-Jews: Falling in love. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 55(3).