Publications for Steven Huberman
Showstack, G., Feldstein, D., Huberman, S., Levy-Shochat, E., Goldberg, D., Goldman, N., . . . Margolis, D. J. (1998/1999, Winter/Spring). Bernard Reisman: Mentor, colleague, friend. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 75, 2-3.
Huberman, S. (1993). Preparing for the Jewish future. Reconstructionist: A Journal of Creative Jewish Thought, 58(2).
Huberman, S. (1991). Judaism: Vol. 40. Festschrift in honor of Dr. Robert Gordis (pp. 498-505). New York, NY: American Jewish Congress.
Huberman, S. (1990). Reaching in, reaching out: Satisfying the spiritual hunger of today's Jews. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 66(4).
Huberman, S. (1989). The costs of religious disunity. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 65(3).
Huberman, S. (1988). Jewish megatrends: Planning for the twenty-first century. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 64(4).
Huberman, S., Goldstein, S., & Kosmin, B. A. (1990). Reprint Series, No. 4: A handle on the future: The potential of the 1990 National Survey for American Jewry. New York, NY: North American Jewish Data Bank.
Huberman, S. (1987). Making Jewish leaders. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 64(1).
Huberman, S. (1986). Jews in economic distress. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 62(3).
Huberman, S. (1985). Understanding synagogue affiliation. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 61(4), 295-304.
Huberman, S. (1984). Evaluation as a planning and management tool. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 61(2), 117-125.
Huberman, S. (1984). Growing old in Jewish America: A study of the Jewish aged in Los Angeles. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 60(4).
Huberman, S. (1984). Using Jewish population study data for decision making: Theoretical considerations and practical experience. In S. M. Cohen, J. S. Woocher, & B. A. Phillips (Eds.), Perspectives in Jewish population research. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Huberman, S. (1982). From Christianity to Judaism: Religion changers in American society. Conservative Judaism, 36(1), 10-32.
Huberman, S. (1981). Becoming a Reform Jew: Problems and prospects. Journal of Reform Judaism, 28(3), 58-67.
Huberman, S. (1981). Conversion to Judaism: An analysis of family matters. Judaism: Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 30(3), 312-321.
Huberman, S. (1980). Building bridges: Toward realistic links between research and planning in Jewish communal life. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 57(1).
Huberman, S. (1979). Jews and non-Jews: Falling in love. Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 55(3).