Publications for Alan H. Kadish

Office of the President
  • Chen, R. F., Kushner, J. A., Toivonen, L. K., Morady, F., Kadish, A. H. (1988). Beta blocking effects of amiodarone. Circulation, 78, II-499.

  • Kadish, A. H., Shinnar, M., Moore, E. N., Levine, J. H., Balke, C. W., & Spear, J. F. (1988). Interaction of fiber orientation and direction of impulse propagation with anatomic barriers in anisotropic canine myocardium. Circulation, 78(6), 1478-1494. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.78.6.1478

  • Levine, J. H., Moore, E. N., Kadish, A. H., Weisman, H. F., Balke, C. W., Hanich, R. F., & Spear, J. F. (1988). Mechanisms of depressed conduction from long-term amiodarone therapy in canine myocardium. Circulation, 78(3), 684-691. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.78.3.684

  • Morady, F., Kadish, A. H., Toivonen, L. K., Kushner, J. A., & Schmaltz, S. (1988). The maximum effect of an increase in rate on human ventricular refractoriness. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 11(12), 2223-2234. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.1988.tb05989.x

  • Josephson, M. E., & Kadish, A. H. (1987). Uses and abuses of electrophysiologic testing in the management of ventricular arrhythmias. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 2(5), 235-238. doi:10.1177/088506668700200501

  • Kadish, A. H., Buxton, A. E., Waxman, H. L., Flores, B., Josephson, M. E., & Marchlinski, F. E. (1987). Usefulness of electrophysiologic study to determine the clinical tolerance of arrhythmia recurrences during amiodarone therapy. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 10(1), 90-96. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(87)80165-1

  • Kadish, A. H., Marchlinski, F. E., Josephson, M. E., & Buxton, A. E. (1986). Amiodarone: Correlation of early and late electrophysiologic studies with outcome. American Heart Journal, 112(6), 1134-1140. doi:10.1016/0002-8703(86)90341-8

  • Kadish, A. H., Spear, J. F., Levine, J. H., & Moore, E. N. (1986). The effects of procainamide on conduction in anisotropic canine ventricular myocardium. Circulation, 74(3), 616-625. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.74.3.616

  • Kadish, A. H., Spear, J. F., Levine, J. H., Hanich, R. F., Prood, C., & Moore, E. N. (1986). Vector mapping of myocardial activation. Circulation, 74(3), 603-615. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.74.3.603

  • Kadish, A. H., Wechsler, L., & Marchlinski F. E. (1986). Swallowing syncope: Observations in the absence of conduction system or esophageal disease. American Journal of Medicine, 81(6), 1098-1100. doi:10.1016/0002-9343(86)90418-3

  • Levine, J. H., Moore, E., Weisman, H., & Kadish, A. H. (1986). Prolonged depression of action potential characteristics and a decreased space constant and present in postischemic, reperfused myocardium. Journal of Clinical Investigative Medicine, 79, 107-117.

  • Frater, R., Oka, Y., Kadish, A. H., Chilukur, S., & Becker, R. (1982). Diabetes and coronary artery surgery. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 49(3), 237-242.

  • Kadish, A. H., Kou, W. H., Schmaltz, S., & Morady, F. (1980). Effect of atrioventricular relationship on ventricular refractoriness in humans. American Journal of Physiology, 259, H1463-H1470. This material can be found here.

  • Kadish, A. H., Weisman, H. F., Veltri, E. P., Epstein, A. E., Slepian, M. J., & Levine, J. H. (1980). Paradoxical effects of exercise on the QT interval in patients with polymorphic ventricular tachycardia receiving type Ia antiarrhythmic agents. Circulation, 81(1), 14-19. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.81.1.14

  • Kanaan, N. M., Jenkins, J., & Kadish, A. H. (1980). An automatic microcomputer system for analysis of monophasic action potentials. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 13(2), 196-206. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.1990.tb05070.x

  • Matsumoto, M., Oka, Y., Strom, J., Frishman, W., Kadish, A., Becker, R. M., . . . Sonnenblick, E. H. (1980). Application of transesophageal echocardiography to continuous intraoperative monitoring of left ventricular performance. American Journal of Cardiology, 46(1), 95-105. doi:10.1016/0002-9149(80)90611-6

  • Oka, Y., Frishman, W., Becker, R. M., Kadish, A. H., Strom, J., Matsumoto, M., . . . Frater R. (1980). Clinical pharmacology of the new beta-adrenergic blocking drugs. Beta-adrenoceptor blockade and coronary artery surgery. American Heart Journal, 99(2), 255-269. doi:10.1016/0002-8703(80)90774-7

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