Publications for Deseriee A. Kennedy | Web link

Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center
  • Kennedy, D. A. (2016). Using the NFL as a model? Considering zero tolerance in the workplace for batterers. University of Baltimore Law Review, 45, 293-341. This material can be found here.

  • Breger, M. L., Kennedy, D. A., Zuccardy, J., & Elkins, L. H. (2013). New York law of domestic violence (3rd ed.). St. Paul, MN: Thomson-Reuters.

  • Kennedy, D. A. (2013). From collaboration to consolidation: Developing a more expansive model for responding to family violence. Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender, 19(1). This material can be found here.

  • Kennedy, D. A. (2013). Love behind bars: The darker side of incarcerating mothers. In R. Bromwich & G. Eljdupovic (Eds.), Incarcerated mothers: Oppression and resistance (pp. 82-92). Toronto, ON: Demeter Press.

  • Kennedy, D. A. (2012). The good mother: Mothering, feminism, and incarceration. William & Mary Journal of Women & Law, 18, 161.