Publications for Marina Korsakova-Kreyn | Web link
Korsakova-Kreyn, M. (2014). Bach, Escher, and mental rotation: An empirical study in the perception of visual and melodic congruency. In A. Kozbelt (Ed.), Proceedings of the twenty-third biennial congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 499-504). This material can be found here.
Korsakova-Kreyn, M. (2014). Emotional processing in music. In A. Kozbelt (Ed.), Proceedings of the twenty-third biennial congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 270-275). This material can be found here.
Korsakova-Kreyn, M., & Dowling, W. J. (2014). Emotional processing in music: Study in affective responses to tonal modulation in controlled harmonic progressions and real music. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 24(1), 4-20. doi:10.1037/pmu0000029