Publications for Gennadiy G. Kuleshov

New York School of Career and Applied Studies
  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2009). Academic culture and educational standards: Conflict of paradigms. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 5(4), 55-62.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2008). Computerized education: What is behind the attractive curtain? In M. Iskander (Ed.), Innovative techniques in instruction technology, e-learning, e-assessment and education. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. 123-128.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2008). Higher education: What can be done without additional investments? The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. 3(4), 29-36.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2008). Web enhanced vs. traditional approach for a science course. In T. Hansson (Ed.) Handbook of reseach on digital information technologies: Innovations, methods, and ethical issues (pp.103-116). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2007). The computerized education: Communication topology and effectiveness. The International Journal of Learning, 14(12), 1-6.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (2007). Web enhanced general physics course. In M. Iskander (Ed.), Innovations in e-learning, instruction technology, assessment and engineering education (pp. 433-437). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.

  • Herskowitz, I., & Kuleshov, G. G. (2004). Distance education in the USA. Energy, 6, 27-33.

  • Galperin, A. S., Kuleshov, G. G., Tarashkevich, V. I., & Shutov, G. M. (1995). Manufacturing and properties of modified wood: A review of 25 years work. Holzforschung-International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood, 49(1), 45-50.

  • Galperin, A. S., & Kuleshov, G. G. (1991). The local parameters of a first-order phase transition in an Electromagnetic field. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 65(8), 1161-65.

  • Baglay, A. K., Gurariy, L. L., & Kuleshov, G. G. (1988). Physical properties of compounds used in vitamin synthesis. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 33(4), 512-518.

  • Kuleshov, G. G., & Tarashkevich, V. I. (1988). Experimental study of specific heat capacity of natural moist wood. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 55(1), 140-141.

  • Gurariy L. L., Kuleshov G. G., Baglay, A. K., & Petrashkevich, R. I. (1987). Thermodynamic properties of 2-methoxypropene. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 21(3), 247-248.

  • Gurariy, L. L., Petrashkevich, R. I., Baglay, A. K., & Kuleshov, G. G. (1987). Physicochemical study of C20 polyene alcohols. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 21(3), 249-252.

  • Baglay, A. K., Kuleshov, G. G., & Shishko, M. A. (1986) Experimental investigation of the density and surface tension of a group of complex organic compounds. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 20(8), 1019-1021.

  • Dudchick, G. P., & Kuleshov, G. G. (1986). Response of second virial coefficients and intermolecular potential parameters to the adsorption and impurity perturbations. Molecular Physics. 58(6), 1137-1148.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1986). To determination of limiting superheating of liquids over solid surfaces. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 51(5), 857.

  • Kuleshov, G. G., & Dudchik, G. P. (1986). Inversion of the second virial coefficient perturbed by external factors. Teplofizika Vysokih Temperatur, 24(6), 1084-1089.

  • Kuleshov, G. G., Baglay, A. K., & Shishko, M. A. (1986) Optimization of experimental information at investigation of thermodynamic properties of complex organic compounds. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 20(10), 1500-1504.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1984). External interaction equilibria in the thermodynamics of the diffuse phase transitions of the first kind. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 58(10), 1455 - 1461.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1980). Broad phase transition of the first kind. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 38(4), 692-695.

  • Nesterenko, V. B., Bubnov, V. P., & Kuleshov, G. G. (1980). Thermophysical properties of a dissociating coolant with a nitrogen tetroxide base for atomic power stations. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 38(4), 464-468.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1978). On the problem of the blurred phase transitions. Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Energ. Navuk, 3, 125-128.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1973). Effect of surface microstructure on conditions of the liquid-gas phase change. Heat Transfer: Soviet Research, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, 5, 57-61.

  • Kuleshov, G. G. (1972). Influence of adsorption effects on PVT-measurements in gas phase. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 46(8), 1113-1118.