Publications for Timothy J. Legg
Adelman, D. S., Raymond, A., & Legg, T. J. (2014). Promoting faculty development through writing groups in online universities. In L. Caputi (Ed.), Innovations in nursing education: Building the future of nursing. Washington, DC: National League for Nursing.
Legg, T. J. (2014, Fall). Bath salts: Another new drug of abuse. Pennsylvania Nurse, 4-10. This material can be found here.
Legg, T. J. (2014). Reducing antipsychotic drug use in elders with dementia. Advance for Nurses, 14(1), 10-11, 14. This material can be found here.
Legg, T. J. (2013). My life collage. In K. Grote & S. Warner (Eds.), Behavioral health protocols for recreational therapy (2nd ed.). Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor.
Legg, T. J. (2013). Notes from nursing: Diabetes in older adults. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Patients, 14(1), 5-8.
Legg, T. J. (2013). Notes from nursing: Rheumatoid versus osteoarthritis - Considerations for the activity director. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Patients, 14(2), 5-7.
Legg, T. J. (2012). Credentialing for the activity professional: Taking the next step. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 13(1), 39-46.
Legg, T. J. (2012). Oral care in older adults with dementia: Challenges and approaches. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(8), 10-13. doi:10.3928/00989134-20120703-01
Legg, T. J., & Buettner, L. L. (2012). Anything but recreation: Universal problems associated with the provision of meaningful recreation in long-term care facilities, Part 2: Nursing care comes first. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 13(1), 33-38.
Legg, T. J., & Nazarchuk, S. (2012). Professional characteristics of deficiency citations at F-248 in skilled nursing facilities in the United States. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 11(2), 32-38.
Legg, T. J., & Nazarchuk, S. A. (2012). Turning a blind eye to the rules that we establish: When surveyors fail to cite facilities that fail to employ a qualified activity director in skilled nursing facilities in the United States. Long-Term Living.
Legg, T. J., & Buettner, L. (2011). Anything but recreation! Universal problems associated with the provision of meaningful recreation in long-term care facilities, Part 1: Activities as babysitting: When residents should not be brought to a specific activity. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 12(4), 37-42.