Publications for Richard J. Ninness

Lander College of Arts and Sciences
Lander College For Men
Lander College For Women
  • Ninness, R. J. (2017). [Review of the book The origins of the Thirty Years War and the revolt in Bohemia, 1618, by G. Mortimer]. German History, 35(1), 130-132. doi:10.1093/gerhis/ghw134

  • Ninness, R. J. (2014). Im konfessionellen Niemandsland – Neue Forschungsansätze zur Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft zwischen Reformation und Dreißigjährigem Krieg. Das Vermächtnis von Volker Press [In confessional nowhere - New research projects on the history of Reichsritterschaft between the Reformation and the Thirty Years War. The legacy of Volker Press]. Historisches Jahrbuch [Historical Yearbook], 134, 142-164.

  • Ninness, R. J. (2011). Between opposition and collaboration: Nobles, bishops, and the German Reformation in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, 1555-1619. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.

  • Ninness, R. J. (2010). The seed of conflict. In A. Jendorff, E. Conze, & H. Wunder (Eds.), Adel in Hessen: Herrschaft, Selbstverständnis und Lebensführung vom 15. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 251-267). Marburg: Historische Kommission für Hessen.

  • Ninness, R. J. (2009). Protestants as agents of the counter-reformation in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg. Sixteenth Century Journal, 40(3). 699-720.

  • Ninness, R. J. (2008). Imperial Knights and confessional cooperation in the Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg (1555-1648). In T. Kaufmann, A. Schubert, & K. von Greyerz (Eds.), Early modern confessional culture: writings of the society for reformation history, 207 (pp. 49-68). Gütersloh, Germany: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.