Publications for Matthew B. Sacks
Sacks, M. B., Flood, A. M., Dennis, M. F., Hertzberg, M. A., & Beckham, J. C. (2008). Self-mutilative behaviors in male veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(6), 487-494. This material can be found here.
Zoellner, L. A., Sacks, M. B., & Foa, E. B. (2003). Directed forgetting following mood induction in chronic posttraumatic stress disorder patients. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 112(3), 508-514. This material can be found here.
Foa, E. B., Sacks, M. B., Tolin, D. E., Prezworski, A., & Amir, N. (2002). Inflated perception of responsibility for harm in OCD patients with and without checking compulsions:A replication and extension. Journal of anxiety disorders, 16(4), 443-453. doi: 10.1016/S0887-6185(02)00128-7 This material can be found here.
Zoellner, L. A., Sacks, M. B., & Foa, E. B. (2001). Stability of emotions for traumatic memories in acute and chronic PTSD. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39(6), 697-711. This material can be found here.