Publications for Patricia E. Salkin | Web link
Dernbach, J. C., Salkin, P. E., & Brown, D. A. (2012). Sustainability as a means of improving environmental justice. Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Law, 19, 1.
Hirokawa, K. H., & Salkin, P. E. (2012). Greening local government. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association.
Nolon, J. R., & Salkin, P. E. (2012). Land use and sustainable development law: Cases and materials. Eagan, MN: Thomson West.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). [Contributor]. In J. C. Dernbach (Ed.), Acting as if tomorrow matters. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). Foreword. Albany Government Law Review, 5(3), vii-viii. This material can be found here.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). Honey, it's all the buzz: Regulating neighborhood bee hives. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 39, 55.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). New York zoning law and practice (4th ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson West.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). The key to unlocking the power of small scale renewable energy: Local land use regulation. Florida State University Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law, 27, 339.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). The quiet revolution and federalism: Into the future. John Marshall Law Review, 45, 253.
Salkin, P. E. (2012). Zoning and planning law handbook (2012 ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson West.
Salkin, P. E., & Gottlieb, C. (2012). Engaging deliberative democracy at the grassroots: Prioritizing the effects of the fiscal crisis at the local government level. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 39, 727.
Salkin, P. E., & Gross, D. (2012). International comparative property rights: A cross-cultural discipline comes of age. The Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal, 1, 41.
Salkin, P. E., & Gross, H. F. (2012). Paperless government: Moving toward sustainability. In P. E. Salkin & K. H. Hirokawa (Eds.), Greening local government. Chicago, IL: American Bar Association.
Salkin, P. E., & Kansler, Z. (2012). Ensuring the public trust at the municipal level: Inspectors General enter the mix. Albany Law Review, 75, 95.
Salkin, P. E., & Lavine, A. (2012). The judiciary and judicial reform. In G. Benjamin (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of New York State government and politics (pp. 357-383). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195387230.013.0013
Salkin, P. E., Grady, G., Mueller, N., & Herendeen, S. (2012). Government 'green' requirements and LEEDigation. Real Estate Law Journal, 40, 496.
Salkin, P. (2003). Beware: What you say to your [government] lawyer may be held against you - The erosion of government attorney-client confidentiality. Urban Lawyer, 35(2), 283-303. This material can be found here.
Salkin, P. E. (2002). Sorting out New York's smart growth initiatives: More proposals and more recommendations. Albany Law Environmental Outlook Journal, 8, 1-36. This material can be found here.
Salkin, P. E. (1999). The politics of land use reform in New York: Challenges and opportunities. St. John's Law Review, 73, 1041-1067. This material can be found here.
Salkin, P. E., & Armentano, J. M. (1993). The Fair Housing Act, zoning, and affordable housing. Urban Lawyer, 25(4), 893-904. This material can be found here.