Publications for Dan Subotnik | Web link
Subotnik, D. (2017). Assaulting the facts [Review of the books Rape culture hysteria: Fixing the damage done to men and women, by W. McElroy, and The crisis of campus sexual violence: Critical perspectives on prevention and response, by S. C. Wooton & R. W. Mitchell (Eds.)]. Academic Questions, 30(2), 225-231. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2017). The dangers of racial thinking. Academic Questions, 30(1), 58-64. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2016). A law review editor and faculty author learn to speak honestly. Touro Law Review, 32(2), 441-451. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2016). How diversity training hurts. Academic Questions, 29(2), 198-204. doi:10.1007/s12129-016-9564-x
Subotnik, D. (2016). [Review of the book Race talk and the conspiracy of silence: Understanding and facilitating difficult dialogues on race, by D. W. Sue]. Academic Questions, 29(3), 356-362. doi:10.1007/s12129-016-9582-8
Subotnik, D. (2015). Tyranny of the meritocracy? A disputation over testing with professor Lani Guinier. Touro Law Review, 31(2) [Article 10]. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2014). Contesting a contestation of testing: A reply to Richard Delgado. University of Massachusetts Law Review, 9(2) [Article 3]. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2014). Race indeed above all: A reply to professors Andrea Curcio, Carol Chomsky, and Eileen Kaufman. University of Massachusetts Law Review, 9(2) [Article 2]. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2014). Testing, discrimination, and opportunity: A reply to professor Harvey Gilmore. Seattle Journal of Social Justice, 13(1) [Article 3]. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D., & Ross, L. (2014). Scholarly incentives, scholarship, article selection bias, and investment strategies for today's law schools. Touro Law Review, 30(3) [Article 7]. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2013). Does testing = race discrimination?: Ricci, the bar exam, the LSAT, and the challenge to learning. University of Massachusetts Law Review, 8, 332-402. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2012). Peacemaking and provocation: A response to Professor Tracey Jean Boisseau. Akron Law Review, 45, 941.
Subotnik, D. (2012). The Duke rape case five years later: Lessons for the academy, the media, and the criminal justice system. Akron Law Review, 45(4), 887-925. This material can be found here.
Subotnik, D. (2011). Do law schools mistreat women faculty? Or who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? Akron Law Review, 44(3), 867-893.