Publications for Shannon VonMuenster
College of Pharmacy (TUC)
Barnett, M. J., VonMuenster, S. J., Wehring, H. J., Walker, V., & Perry, P. J. (2010). Assessment of monitoring for glucose and lipid dysregulation in adult Medi-Cal patients newly started on antipsychotics. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 22(1), 9-18. This material can be found here.
Barnett, M. J., Frank, J., Wehring, H. J., Newland, B., VonMuenster, S. J., Kumbera, P.,...Perry, P. J. (2009). Analysis of pharmacist-provided medication therapy management (MTM) services in community pharmacies over 7 years. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 15(1), 18-31. This material can be found here.