Publications for Gary Williams

NYMC Graduate School of Basic Medical Sciences
NYMC School of Health Sciences and Practice
  • Berry, C., Brusick, D., Cohen, S. M., Hardisty, J. F., Grotz, V. L., & Williams, G. M. (2016). Sucralose non-carcinogenicity: A review of the scientific and regulatory rationale. Nutrition and Cancer, 68(8), 1247-1261. doi:10.1080/01635581.2016.1224366

  • Brusick, D., Aardema, M., Kier, L., Kirkland, D., & Williams, G. (2016). Genotoxicity expert panel review: Weight of evidence evaluation of the genotoxicity of glyphosate, glyphosate-based formulations, and aminomethylphosphonic acid. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 46(Suppl 1), 56-74. doi:10.1080/10408444.2016.1214680

  • Duan, J. D., & Williams, G. M. (2016). In vitro photochemical induction of Kojic acid - DNA adducts. Toxicology Open Access, 2, 115. 

  • Kobets, T., Duan, J. D., Brunnemann, K. D., Etter, S., Smith, B., & Williams, G. M. (2016). Structure-activity relationships for DNA damage by alkenylbenzenes in turkey egg fetal liver. Toxicological Sciences, 150(2), 301-311. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfv322

  • Williams, G. M., Kobets, T., Duan, J. D., Brunnemann, M., Iatropoulos, M. J., Vock, E., & Deschl, U. (2016). Genotoxic potential of amino- and notro-substituted mono- and polycyclic aromatic amines in chicken egg genotoxicity assay [CEGA]. Toxological Sciences Suppl Toxicologist, 150(1), 192.

  • Ding, W., Levy, D. D., Bishop, M. E., Pearce, M. G., Davis, K. J., Duan, J. D., . . . Williams, G. M. (2015). In vivo genotoxicity of estragole in male F344 rats. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 56(4), 356-365. doi:10.1002/em.21918

  • Williams, G. M., Duan, J. D., Iatropoulos, M. J., & Kobets, T. (2015). A no observed adverse effect level for DNA adduct formation in rat liver with prolonged dosing of the hepatocarcinogen 2-acetylaminofluorene. Toxicology Research, 4(2), 233-240. doi:10.1039/C4TX00126E

  • Alhusainy, W., Williams, G. M., Jeffrey, A. M., Iatropoulos, M. J., Taylor, S., Adams, T. B., & Rietjens, I. M. (2014). The natural basil flavonoid nevadensin protects against a methyleugenol-induced marker of hepatocarcinogenicity in male F344 rat. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 74, 28-34. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2014.08.016

  • Edler, L., Hart, A., Greaves, P., Carthew, P., Coulet, M., Boobis, A., . . . Williams, G. M. (2014). Selection of appropriate tumour data sets for Benchmark Dose Modelling (BMD) and derivation of a Margin of Exposure (MoE) for substances that are genotoxic and carcinogenic: Considerations of biological relevance of tumour type, data quality and uncertainty assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 70, 264-289. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2013.10.030

  • Enzmann, H. G., Brunnemann, K. D., Kaestner, B., Iatropoulos, M. J., & Williams, G. M. (2014). Dose-dependent induction of preneoplastic lesions by the tobacco-specific nitrosamine carcinogen NNK in the in ovo carcinogenicity assessment (IOCA) assay. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 66(1), 35-40. doi:10.1016/j.etp.2013.08.001

  • Pottenger, L. H., Andrews, L. S., Bachman, A. N., Boogaard, P. J., Cadet, J., Embry, M. R., . . . Williams, G. M. (2014). An organizational approach for the assessment of DNA adduct data in risk assessment: case studies for aflatoxin B1, tamoxifen and vinyl chloride. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 44(4), 348-391. doi:10.3109/10408444.2013.873768

  • Williams, G. (2014). John H. Weisburger, Ph.D., M.D.H.C., cancer research and prevention scientist: September 15, 1921 - February 17, 2014. Nutrition and Cancer, 66(6), 1083.

  • Williams, G. M., Duan, J. D., Brunnemann, K. D., Iatropoulos, M. J., Vock, E., & Deschl, U. (2014). Chicken fetal liver DNA damage and adduct formation by activation-dependent DNA-reactive carcinogens and related compounds of several structural classes. Toxicological Sciences, 141(1), 18-28. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfu123

  • Williams, G. M., Iatropoulos, M. J., Enzmann, H. G., & Deschl, U. F. (2014). Carcinogenicity of chemicals: assessment and human extrapolation. In Hayes, A. W., & Kruger, C. L. (Eds.), Hayes' Principles and Methods of Toxicology (6th ed., pp. 1253-1303). New York, NY: CRC Press.

  • Bomhard, E. M., Gelbke, H. P., Schenk, H., Williams, G. M., & Cohen, S. M. (2013). Evaluation of the carcinogenicity of gallium arsenide. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 43(5), 436-466. doi:10.3109/10408444.2013.792329

  • Enzmann, H., Brunnemann, K., Iatropoulos, M., Shpyleva, S., Lukyanova, N., Todor, I., . . . Williams, G. M. (2013). Inter-laboratory comparison of turkey in ovo carcinogenicity assessment (IOCA) of hepatocarcinogens. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, 65(6), 729-735. doi:10.1016/j.etp.2012.09.007

  • Iatropoulos, M. J., Duan, J. D., Jeffrey, A. M., Leach, M. W., Hayes, A. N., Stedman, N. L., & Williams, G. M. (2013). Hepatocellular proliferation and hepatocarcinogen bioactivation in mice with diet-induced fatty liver and obesity. Experimental and Toxicological Pathology, 65(4), 451-456. doi:10.1016/j.etp.2012.01.003

  • Williams, G. M., Brunnemann, K., Smart, D. J., Molina, D., Jeffrey, A. M., Duan, J. D., . . . Schmuck, G. (2013). Relationship of cellular topoisomerase IIα inhibition to cytotoxicity and published genotoxicity of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in V79 cells. Chemical-Biological Interactions, 203(2), 386-390. doi:10.1016/j.cbi.2013.01.003

  • Williams, G. M., Iatropoulos, M. J., Jeffrey, A. M., & Duan, J. D. (2013). Methyleugenol hepatocellular cancer initiating effects in rat liver. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 53, 187-196. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2012.11.050