Faculty Publications
As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.
Total number of publications: 7,082
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Probstein, I. E. (2011, Summer). A talk show. Calliope, (132), 13.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Translation into Russian: English 16th and 17th century poets: Michael Drayton (1563-1631), Lord Herbert of Cherbury (1583-1648), Robert Herrick (1591-1674), and Richard Lovelace (1618-1658). Побережье [The Coast: Annual Literary Almanac], 19.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Из времени в вечность [From time to eternity]. Побережье [The Coast: Annual Literary Almanac], 19.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Испытание знака [Sign under test: Essay on the poetry of Charles Bernstein]. Новое Литературное Обозрение [New Literary Review], 110, 237–244.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Первая сатира Антиоха. [First satire of Antioch: A poem in Russian]. Journal of Poets, 10-11.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Стихи.[Poems]. Побережье [The Coast: Annual Literary Almanac], 19.
Probstein, I. E. (2011). Ток-шоу [A Talk Show]. Journal of Poets, 112, 51.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). A selection of poems. Gvideon, 4, 229-237.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). A selection of poems in Russian. Okno [Window], 9.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). A thing of beauty is a joy forever: Introduction to Keats. Poberezh'e [The Coast: Annual Literary Almanac], 20.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Begi ditya, begi [Run, child, run]. New Review, 262. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Blagodat' [Bliss]. Zhurnal Poetov [Poets' Journal], 5(37), 13.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Dzhin vypushhenniy iz butylki [A genie released from the bottle]. Poberezh’e [The Coast: Annual Literary Almanac], 20.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Esli slyshat' ne mozhesh', xotya by podslyshaj [If you can’t hear, just overhear]. New Youth, 5, 110. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Golaya Pravda [Naked truth]. Okno [Window], 10(13).
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Ne montazh, ne fanera, zhivoj jefir [Not a cut, not a synk, it's live]. New Review, 262.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). O poeticheskom nachale I duxovnom nachale v pojezii Ludmily Vaguninoj [On poetic and spiritual sources in Ludmila Vagurina’s poetry]. Lenore, 110-113.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). O poetike knigi Zjutkii Krizis Syper star [On the poetics of Andrei A. Voznesensky’s book Hellish Crisis Super Star]. Zhurnal Poetov [Poets' Journal], 10(42), 12-13.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Otseki vse lishnee [Cut off everything extra]. Okno [Window], 10(13).
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Stixi [Poems]. Novy Zhurnal [New Journal], 269, 6.
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Te kto guliyaet s sobakami po nocham [Those who walk dogs at night]. Okno [Window], 10(13).
Probstein, I. E. (2012). Zimopis' vremennyx let [Wintertales of transitional years]. Textonly, 37(2’12).
Probstein, I. E. (2013). A sketch on the wind: An essay about John Ashbery's work. Gvideon, 4, 268-276.
Probstein, I.E. (2013). Elegy in memoriam of Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Gvideon, 5. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). On the poems of Sylvia Plath. Net Word Art. This material can be found here.