Faculty Publications
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Bayefsky, A. F. (1982). The human rights committee and the case of Sandra Lovelace. Canadian Yearbook of International Law, 20, 244-265.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1983). Parliamentary sovereignty and human rights in Canada: The promise of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Political Studies, 31(2), 239-263. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9248.1983.tb01344.x This material can be found here.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1985) International Human Rights Law in Canadian Courts, Newsletter of the Amnesty International-U.S.A. Legal Support Network, 2(2), 25-29.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1985). The Canadian Charter and International Human Rights Law. Interights Bulletin, 1(1), 4-5.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1986). Approaches to resolving human rights disputes: The European court of human rights. The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes. Proceedings of the 1984 Conference of the Canadian Council on International Law (pp. 193-212). Ottawa, Canada: The Canadian Council on International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1986). Legal developments: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: New responsibilities for the judiciary. Patterns of Prejudice, 20(3), 44-48.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1986). The orientation of section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In P. Weiler & R. Elliot (Eds.) Litigating the values of a nation: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (pp. 105-119). Toronto, Canada: Carswell Legal.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1986). The principle of equality or non-discrimination in international law: Implications for equality rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In L. Smith (Ed.), Righting the Balance: Canada's New Equality Rights (pp. 117-143). Vancouver, Canada: Canadian Human Rights Reporter.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1987). Defining equality rights under The Charter. In S. L. Martin & K. E. Mahoney (Eds.), Equality and judicial neutrality (pp. 106-114). Toronto, Canada: Carswell.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1987). Introduction: The Supreme Court and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In G. A. Beaudoin (Ed.) The Supreme Court of Canada: Proceedings of the October 1985 Conference (pp. 207-209). Montreal, Canada: Les Editions Yvon Blais.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1987). The judicial function under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. McGill Law Journal, 32(4), 791-833.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1987). The legal structures: Legislation and enforcement. In E. Killean (Ed.), Equality in the economy: A synthesis of the proceeedings of a workshop (pp. 5-7). Montreal, Canada: The Institute of Research on Public Policy. This material can be found here.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1988). Human rights: The 1966 covenants 20 years later - An assesmsment of the work of the human rights committee under the optional protocol. Proceedings of the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (pp. 408-413). Washington, DC: American Society of International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1990). A case comment on the first three equality rights cases under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: Andrews, workers' compensation reference. Turpin. The Supreme Court Law Review, 503-531.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1990). Human rights: The Helsinki process. Proceedings from the Eighty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (pp. 113-115). Washington, DC: American Society of International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1990). The principle of equality or non-discrimination in international law. Human Rights Law Journal, 11(1/2), 1-34.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1991). The scope of judicial review in the international human rights context. Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (pp. 337-341) Washington, DC: The American Society of International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1992). International human rights law in Canadian courts. In I. Cotler & F. P. Eliadis (Eds.), International human rights law: Theory and practice (pp. 115-158). Montreal, Canada: The Canadian Human Rights Foundation.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1992). International human rights law in Canadian courts. In W. Kaplan & D. McRae (Eds.), Law, policy and international justice (pp. 107-143). Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press. This material can be found here.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1992). International law in Canadian courts: Canada, Japan and international law. Proceedings of the Conference of the Canadian Council On International Law. (pp. 273-281). Ottawa, Canada: Canadian Council on International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1994). General approaches to the domestic application of women's international human rights law. In R. Cook (Ed.), Lessons from the Canadian experience, human rights of women: National and international perspectives (pp. 351-374). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1994). Implementing human rights treaties: The prognosis after Vienna. Proceedings of the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (pp. 428-436). Washington, DC: American Society of International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1994). Making the human rights treaties work: The human rights agenda for the twenty-first century. In J. L. Hargrove & L. Henkin (Eds.), Human rights: An agenda for the next century (pp. 229-295). Washington, DC: The American Society of International Law.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1995). Inequity in the United Nations human rights system. Justice, 6, 28-30.
Bayefsky, A. F. (1995). Selective enforcement: Is the United Nations biased? International Practitioner’s Notebook, 60, 18-21.