Faculty Publications

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Total number of publications: 7,082

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  • Feldman, H. R., Radulovic, V. J., Hegab, A. A., & Radulovic, B. V. (2010). New late Bathonian terebratulide brachiopod from Gebel Engabashi, northern Sinai. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Geologists of Serbia with International Participation, 15, 71.

  • Feldman, H. R., Schemm-Gregory, M., Ahmad, F., & Wilson, M. A. (2012). Jurassic rhynchonellide brachiopods from the Jordan Valley. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 57(1), 191-204. doi:10.4202/app.2010.0092

  • Feldman, H. R., Schemm-Gregory, M., Ahmad, F., & Wilson, M. A. (2014). A Jurassic (Bathonian-Callovian) Daghanirhynchia brachiopod fauna from Jordan. Geologica Acta, 12(1), 1-18. This material can be found here.

  • Feldman, H. R., Schemm-Gregory, M., Wilson, M. A., & Ahmad, F. (2013). Talexirhynchia, a new rhynchonellid genus from the Jurassic Ethiopian Province of Jordan. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 87, 1-11.  doi:10.1007/s12542-013-0216-y

  • Feldman, H. R., Schemm-Gregory, M., Wilson, M. A., & Shapiro, S. (2011). Paleoecology and functional morphology of an unusual brachiopod from the Middle Jurassic of Jordan. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43(1), 163. This material can be found here.

  • Feldman, H. R., Schemm-Gregory, M., Wilson, M. A., Garwood, R., & Sutton, M. (2010). Digitized reconstruction of the internal hard-part anatomy of articulate brachiopods. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42(1), 63. This material can be found here.

  • Feldman, H. R., Smoliga, J. A., & Feldman, B. A. (2012). Notes on the geology of the Shawangunk Ridge on the Mohonk Perserve and environs [Special issue]. Northeastern Naturalist, 19(6), 3-12. This material can be found here.

  • Ganor, E., Iliani, S., Kronfeld, J., Rosenfeld, A., & Feldman, H. R. (2007). Environmental dust as a tool to study the archaeometry of patinas on ancient artifacts in the levant. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 39(6), 574. This material can be found here.

  • Hartwig, W. C. & Barnett, A. (2013). Fossil history, zoogeography and taxonomy of the pitheciids: Introduction.  In L. M. Veiga, A. A. Barnett, S. F. Ferrari, & M. A. Norconk (Eds.), Evolutionary biology and conservation of titis, sakis and uacaris (pp. 1-4). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

  • Hirsch, F., Bassoulett, J. P., Cariou, E., Conway, B., Feldman, H. R., Grossowicz, L., . . . Rosenfeld, A. (1998). The Jurassic of the Southern Levant. Biostratigraphy, palaeogeography and cyclic events. Peri-Tethys Memoir 4: Epicratonic Basins of Peri-Tethyan platforms, Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 213-235.

  • Hirsch, F., Feldman, H. R., Fayez, A., Schemm-Gregory, M., & Wilson, M. A. (2013). Correlation of the Middle Jurassic (Callovian) formations across the Dead Sea Rift. Ciências da Tierra, Especial 7, 105. This material can be found here.

  • Hussaini, B., Schemm-Gregory, M., & Feldman, H. R. (2013). Conservación de las colecciones clásicas de braquiópodos en el Museo Americano de Historia Natural (Nueva York, EE.UU.) [Preservation of the classical brachiopod collections at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, United States)]. In A. Rábano & A. Rodrigo (Eds.), XX Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural: Libro de resúmenes (p. 34). Madrid, Spain: Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. This material can be found here.

  • Ilani, S., Krumbein, W. E., Feldman, H. R., & Rosenfeld, A. (2006). The first known intact seven nozzle stone oil lamp from the Second Temple Period. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 38(7), 213.

  • Kronfeld, J., Rosenfeld, A., & Feldman, H. R. (2013). Determining the authenticity of artifacts by oxygen isotope analysis. Open Journal of Geology, 3(4), 313-321.  doi:10.4236/ojg.2013.34036

  • Maddocks, R. F., Feldman, H. R., Rosenfeld, A., Honigstein, A. Halbstein, A. N., & Zablen, K. (2007). Holocene ostracode assemblages from the continental shelf and slope of the eastern Mediterranean. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 39(1), 73.

  • Morton, S. G., & Feldman, H. R. (1977). Notes on and description of Oleneothyris fragilis (Morton) 1828 (Brachiopoda, Terebratulidae) [Monograph]. American Museum Novitates, (Serial No. 2621). This material can be found here.

  • Rachebuf, P., & Feldman, H. R. (1990). Chonetacean brachiopods of the "Pink Chonetes" Zone, Onondaga limestone (Devonian, Eifelian), Central New York [Monograph]. American Museum Novitates, (Serial No. 2982). This material can be found here.

  • Reinthal, E. A., Bosch, S., Wilson, M. A. & Feldman, H.R. (2014). Pathology, taphonomy, encrustation and bioerosion of an abundant crinoid in the Middle Jurassic of southern Israel. In S. A. Marcus (Ed.), 10th North American Paleontological Convention abstract book: Paleontological Society special publications (pp. 36-37). New Haven, CT: Yale. This material can be found here.

  • Rosenfeld, A., Feldman, H. R., & Krumbein, W. E. (2013). On the authenticity of the James Ossuary and its possible link to the Jesus family tomb. In J. H. Charlesworth (Ed.), The tomb of Jesus and his family (pp. 334-354). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

  • Rosenfeld, A., Feldman, H. R., Kronfeld, Y., & Krumbein, W. E. (2012). Implications of the “Forgery Trial” verdict on the authenticity of the James Ossuary. The Bible and Interpretation. This material can be found here.

  • Rosenfeld, A., Ilani, S., Kronfeld, J., Feldman, H. R., & Telem, E. M. (2005). Archaeometric analysis of the "Jehoash Inscription" stone describing the renovation of the First Temple of Jerusalem. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 37(7), 278.

  • Rosenfeld, A., Ilani, S., Krumbein, W.E., Daren, S., & Feldman, H.R. (2011). A stone oil lamp with seven nozzles from the Second Temple Period. Lieber Annus, 60, 377-391.

  • Schemm-Gregory, M., & Feldman, H. R. (2011). Systematics of the Paraspiriferidae Termier & Termier, 1949. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43(5), 87. This material can be found here.

  • Schemm-Gregory, M., Feldman, H. R., & Kadish, J.R. (2012). Fossil brachiopod preservation: The use of modern technology reveals ancient secrets. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 44(2), 65. This material can be found here.

  • Schemm-Gregory, M., Feldman, H. R., Wilson, M. A., & Fayez, A. (2012). Vistas interiores de la fauna Daghanirhynchia (Rinconélidos, Braquiópodos) del Jurásico Medio de Jordania [Internal views of the Middle Jurassic Daghanirhynchia (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda) fauna from Jordan]. In J. C. Liao, J. A. Gamez-Vintaned, J. I. Valenzuela-Rios, & A. J. Garcia-Forner, (Eds.), XXVII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Oakeibtikigía y Simposios de los Proyetos nº 587 y 596 del PICG. Valenica y Soller, 1-6 octubre de 2012. Homenaje a Guillem Colom Casanovas (1900-1993). Libro de Resúmenes (pp. 203-206). Madrid, Spain: Universitat de València; Sociedad Española de Paleontología.

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