Faculty Publications

As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.

Total number of publications: 7,082

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  • Gillick, J., Mohan, A., Lee, P., Tobias, M., Murali, R., & Jhanwar-Uniyal, M. (2014). The intersection of PI3K/Mtor and Hippo pathways: A new therapeutic target for medulloblastoma therapy. Child's Nervous System, 30(11), 1986-1987.

  • Gilmore, M. S., Heimer, S. R., & Yamada, A. (2010). Infectious keratitis. In: L. Levins & D. Alberts (Eds.), Ocular disease: Mechanisms and management. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Inc.

  • Gilmour, G., & McKivigan, J. M. (2017). Evaluating medical students' proficiency with a handheld ophthalmoscope: A pilot study. Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 8, 33-36. doi:10.2147/AMEP.S119440

  • Gindi, M., Sattler, S., Hoos, K., Matei, M., Paulus, C., & Yens, D. P. (2007). Can venous blood gas samples replace blood gas samples for measurement of base excess in severely injured trauma patients? New York Medical Journal, 2(2). This material can be found here.

  • Ginzburg, Y., Kessler, D., Kang, S., Shaz, B., & Wormser, G. P. (2013). Why has Borrelia burgdorferi not been transmitted by blood transfusion? Transfusion, 53(11), 2822-2826. doi:10.1111/trf.12116

  • Gioia, J. A., & Gray, T. (2014). Motivation: Addressing job-related stress and ensuring effective communication as best HRM practices. In C. A. Lentz (Ed.), The refractive thinker: Vol. VIII: Effective business practices for motivation and communication (pp. 83-110). Albuquerque, NM: Refractive Thinker. This material can be found here.

  • Giovanis, A., & Wheeler, C. (2017). Osteopathic medicine for the treatment of pain in the rehabilitation patient. In A. Carayannopoulos (Ed.), Comprehensive pain management in the rehabilitation patient (pp. 567-573). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International. This material can be found here.

  • Gironda, F., & Fabus, R. (2011). Assessment of articulation and phonological disorders. In R. Fabus, & C. Stein-Rubin (Eds.), A guide to clinical assessment and professional report writing in speech-language pathology (pp. 139-176). Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning.

  • Gironda, F., Fabus, R., & Musayeva, S. (2011). Assessment of the oral-peripheral speech mechanism examination. In R. Fabus, & C. Stein-Rubin (Eds.), A guide to clinical assessment and professional report writing in speech-language pathology (pp. 117-138). Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning.

  • Gironda, F. R. (2011). Assessment of articulation and phonological disorders. In R. Fabus, & C. Stein-Rubin (Eds.), A guide to clinical assessment and professional report writing in speech-language pathology. Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning.

  • Gironta, M. G., & Rosenfeld, C. R. (2000). Vascular medicine and osteopathic medicine: Treating the whole patient. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 100(10 Suppl. 2), S1-S4. This material can be found here.

  • Giudici, L., Bokser, V. S., Golombek, S. G., Castrillon, C. C., Trovato, M., & Ferrario, C. C. (2016). Esophageal atresia: Long-term interdisciplinary follow-up. Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine, 5(2). doi:10.7363/050206

  • Giudici, L., Bokser, V. S., Maricic, M. A., Golombek, S. G., & Ferrario, C. C. (2016). Babies born with gastroschisis and followed up to the age of six years faced long-term morbidity and impairments. Acta Paediatrica, 105(6), e275-e280. doi:10.1111/apa.13374

  • Giuliano Jr., J. S., Faustino, E. V., Li, S., Pinto, M. G., Canarie, M. F., & Carroll, C. L. (2013). Corticosteroid therapy in critically ill pediatric asthmatic patients. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 14(5), 467-470. doi:10.1097/PCC.0b013e31828a7451

  • Glaser, R. M., Magel, J. R., & McArdle, W. D. (1970, May). A radiotelemetry transmitter for monitoring heart rate during swimming. Research Quarterly, 41(2), 200-202.

  • Glasser, S. P., & Frishman, W. H. (2014). The placebo and nocebo effect. In S. P. Glasser (Ed.), Essentials of clinical research (2nd ed., pp. 145-176). Switzerland: Springer International.

  • Glatman-Freedman, A., Kaufman, Z., Kopel, E., Bassal, R., Taran, D., Valinsky, L., . . . Shohat, T. (2016). Near real-time space-time cluster analysis for detection of enteric disease outbreaks in a community setting. The Journal of Infection, 73(2), 99-106. doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2016.04.038

  • Glicklich, D., & Frishman, W. H. (2015). Drug therapy of apparent treatment-resistant hypertension: Focus on mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. Drugs, 75(5), 473-485. doi:10.1007/s40265-015-0372-3

  • Glicklich, D., & Vohra, P. (2014). Cardiovascular risk assessment before and after kidney transplantation. Cardiology in Review, 22(4), 153-162. doi:10.1097/CRD.0000000000000012

  • Glimm, T., Bhat, R., & Newman, S. A. (2014). Modeling the morphodynamic galectin patterning network of the developing avian limb skeleton. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 346, 86-108. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.12.004

  • Gluck, M. E., Yahav, E., Hashim, S. A., & Geliebter, A. (2014). Ghrelin levels after a cold pressor stress test in obese women with binge eating disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 76(1), 74-79.  doi:10.1097/PSY.0000000000000018

  • Glucksman, M. L. (2013). Case presentation: Long-term treatment. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 41(3), 385-392. doi:10.1521/pdps.2013.41.3.385

  • Glucksman, M. L. (2014). Manifest dream content as a possible predictor of suicidality. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 42(4), 657-670. doi:10.1521/pdps.2014.42.4.657

  • Glucksman, M. L. (2015). Discussion of masochism and pathological gambling: A review of masochism. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 43(1), 27-45. doi:10.1521/pdps.2015.43.1.27

  • Glucksman, M. L. (2016). Freud's "project": The mind-brain connection revisited. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 44(1), 69-90. doi:10.1521/pdps.2016.44.1.69

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