Faculty Publications

As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.

Total number of publications: 7,082

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  • Cohen, K. R., Cerone, P., & Ruggiero, R. (2002). Complementary/alternative medicine use: Responsibilities and implications for pharmacy services. P & T, 27(9), 440-446.

  • Cohen, K. R., Salbu, R. L., Frank, J., & Israel, I. (2013). Presentation and management of herpes zoster (shingles) in the geriatric population. P and T, 38(4), 217-224, 227. PMCID: PMC3684190

  • Cohen, K., Ruggiero, R. J., Lauletta, J., & Kenny, G. (1998). Selection of JCAHO ORYX indicators for data submission at a community hospital: A multidisciplinary approach. P & T, 23(10).

  • Cohen, K., Ruggiero, R. J., Lauletta, J., Chelenes, J. J., Kintzoglou, A., & Satriano, E. (1997). Further exploration of the economic empact of pharmacist presence and intervention to manage the drug regimens of patients: Subject to polypharmacy drug regimens. P & T, 22(11).

  • Cohen, R. I., Huberfeld, S., Genovese, J., Steinberg, H. N., & Scharf, S. M. (1996). A comparison between the acute effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibition and fluid resuscitation on myocardial function and metabolism in entotoxemic dogs. Journal of Critical Care, 11(1), 27-36.

  • Cohen, S., Rajan, B., Zhandosova, A., & Velavan, S. S. (2017). Bilateral accessory lung fissures with a variant left bronchial tree [Supplemental material]. FASEB Journal, 31(1), 897.3. This material can be found here.

  • Compan, V., Walsh, B. T., Kaye, W., & Geliebter, A. (2015). How does the brain implement adaptive decision making to eat? Journal of Neuroscience, 35(41), 13868-13878. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2602-15.2015

  • Conason, A., Brenchley, K. J. M., Pratt, A., & Geliebter, A. (2017). Sexual life after weight loss surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 13(5), 855-861. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soard.2017.01.014

  • Conason, A., Teixeira, J., Hsu, C., Puma, L., Knafo, D., & Geliebter, A. (2013). Substance use following bariatric weight loss surgery. JAMA Surgery, 148(2), 145-150. doi:10.1001/2013.jamasurg.265

  • Congdon, K. A., & Ravosa, M. J. (2016). Get a grip: Substrate orientation and digital grasping pressures in strepsirrhines. Folia Primatologica, 87(4), 224-243. doi:10.1159/000450641

  • Corl, A., Berger, K., Ophir-Shohat, G., Gesch, J., Simms, J. A., Bartlett, S. E., & Heberlein, U. (2009). Happyhour, a Ste20 family kinase, implicates EGFR signaling in ethanol-induced behaviors. Cell, 137(5), 949-60.

  • Costa, D. (2013). So you want to write? Face the challenge with confidence. In R. V. Whitney & C. A. Davis (Eds.), A writer's toolkit for occupational therapy and health care professionals: An insider's guide to writing and communicating (pp. 3-13). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.

  • Costa, D., Molinsky, R., & Sauerwald, C. (2012). Collaborative intraprofessional education with occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students. OT Practice, 17(21), CE1-CE8.

  • Coutinho, J., Ramos, A. F., Maia, L., Castro, L., Conceição, E., Geliebter, A., . . . Sampaio, A. (2015). Volumetric alterations in the nucleus accumbens and caudate nucleus in bulimia nervosa: A structural magnetic resonance imaging study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48(2), 206-214. doi:10.1002/eat.22273

  • Cox, C. L., Stanhope, K. L., Schwarz, J. M., Graham, J. L., Hatcher, B., Griffen, S. C., . . . Havel, P. J. (2012). Consumption of fructose- but not glucose-sweetened beverages for 10 weeks increases circulating concentrations of uric acid, retinol binding protein-4, and gamma-glutamyl transferase activity in overweight/obese humans. Nutrition & Metabolism, 9(68), 1-10. doi:10.1186/1743-7075-9-68

  • Cox, C. L., Stanhope, K. L., Schwarz, J. M., Graham, J. L., Hatcher, B., Griffen, S. C., . . . Keim, N. L. (2012). Consumption of fructose-sweetened beverages for 10 weeks reduces net fat oxidation and energy expenditure in overweight/obese men and women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 66(2), 201-208. doi:10.1038/ejcn.2011.159

  • Csoka, A. B., & Stern, R. (2013). Hypotheses on the evolution of hyaluronan: A highly ironic acid. Glycobiology, 23(4), 398-411. doi:10.1093/glycob/cws218

  • Cunningham, D. A., & Magel, J. R. (1970, March). The effect of moderate altitude on post-exercise blood lactate. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 29(1), 94-100.

  • Cusnir, H., Tongia, R., Sheka, K. P., Kavesteen, D., Segal, R. R., Nowakiwskyj, V. N., . . . Yens, D. P. (2004). In hospital cardiac arrest: A role for automatic defibrillation. Resuscitation, 63(2), 183-188. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2004.05.012

  • D'Alonzo, G. E., Smolensky, M. H., Feldman, S., Gianotti, L. A., Emerson, M. B., Staudinger, H., & Steinijans, V. W. (1990, July). Twenty-four hour lung function in adult patients with asthma: Chronoptimized theophylline therapy once-daily dosing in the evening versus conventional twice-daily dosing. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 142(1), 84-90.

  • D'Alonzo, G. E., Smolensky, M. H., Feldman, S., Gnosspelius, Y., & Karlsson, K. (1995, February). Bambuterol in the treatment of asthma: A placebo-controlled comparison of once-daily morning vs evening administration. Chest, 107(2), 406-412.

  • D'Souza, R. W., Bruckner, J. V., & Feldman, S. (1985). Oral and intravenous trichloroethylene pharmacokinetics in the rat. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 15(5), 587-601.

  • Daddario-DiCaprio, K. M., Geisbert, T. W., Geisbert, J. B., Ströher, U., Hensley, L. E., Grolla, A., . . . Jones, S. M. (2006). Cross-protection against Marburg virus strains by using a live, attenuated recombinant vaccine. Journal Of Virology, 80(19), 9659-9666. This material can be found here.

  • Daddario-DiCaprio, K. M., Geisbert, T. W., Ströher, U., Geisbert, J. B., Grolla, A., Fritz, E. A., . . . Feldmann, H. (2006). Postexposure protection against Marburg haemorrhagic fever with recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vectors in non-human primates: An efficacy assessment. Lancet, 367(9520), 1399-1404. This material can be found here.

  • Dager, W. E. (2012). Warfarin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis after elective hip or knee arthroplasty: Exploring the evidence, guidelines, and challenges remaining. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 46(1), 79-88. doi:10.1345/aph.1P626

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