Publications for Paul J. Perry
Doroudgar, S., Chuang, H. M., Perry, P. J., Thomas, K. L., Bohnert, K., & Canedo, J. (2017). Driving performance comparing older versus younger drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(1), 41-46. doi:10.1080/15389588.2016.1194980
Palisoc, A. J. L., Matsumoto, R. R., Ho, J., Perry, P. J., Tang, T. T., & Ip, E. J. (2017). Relationship between grit with academic performance and attainment of postgraduate training in pharmacy students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(4) [Article 67]. This material can be found here.
Doroudgar, S., Perry, P. J., Lackey, G. D., Veselova, N. G., Chuang, H. M., & Albertson, T. E. (2016). An 11-year retrospective review of venlafaxine ingestion in children from the California Poison Control System. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 35(7), 767-774. doi:10.1177/0960327115604202
Thomas, K. L., Canedo, J., Perry, P. J., Doroudgar, S., Lopes, I., Chuang, H. M., & Bohnert, K. (2016). Effects of valerian on subjective sedation, field sobriety testing and driving simulator performance. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 92, 240-244. This material can be found here.
Thomas, K. L., La, A. Q., Punia, S., Doroudgar, S., & Perry, P. J. (2016). Valproic acid-induced hyperammonemia and minimal hepatic encephalopathy prevalence among psychiatric inpatients. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 28(1), 37-42. This material can be found here.
Ip, E. J., Trinh, K., Tenerowicz, M. J., Pal, J., Lindfelt, T. A., & Perry, P. J. (2015). Characteristics and behaviors of older male anabolic steroid users. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28(5), 450-456. doi:10.1177/0897190014527319
Perry, P. J., Fredriksen, K., Chew, S., Ip, E. J., Lopes, I., Doroudgar, S., & Thomas, K. L. (2015). The effects of dextromethorphan on driving performance and the Standardized Field Sobriety Test. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(5), 1258–1262. doi:10.1111/1556-4029.12833
Vo, T. M., Perry, P. J., Ellerby, H. M., & Bohnert, K. (2015). Is lithium a neuroprotective agent? Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 27(1), 49-54. This material can be found here.
Ip, E. J., Pal, J., Yu, J., Trinh, K., Lopes, I., Lindfelt, T., & Perry, P. J. (2014). Effects of dextromethorphan on the Standardized Field Sobriety Test. California Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 26(2), 52-57. This material can be found here.
Lu, D. H., Ip, E. J., Lopes, I., Barnett, M., Chu, E., Ghayyem, P., & Perry, P. J. (2014). Effects of diphenhydramine versus fexofenadine on the Standardized Field Sobriety Test. California Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 26(3), 81-88. This material can be found here.
Malcolm, B., Yoshizuka, K., & Perry, P. J. (2014). Marijuana and pharmacy practice: A call for action. California Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 26(5), 139-145.
Yoshizuka, K., Perry, P. J., Upton, G., Lopes, I., & Ip, E. J. (2014). Standardized Field Sobriety Test: False positive test rate among sober subjects. Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology, 3(2). doi:10.4172/2325-9841.1000120
Doroudgar, S., Chou, T., Yu, J., & Perry, P. J. (2013). Evaluation of trazodone and quetiapine for insomnia: An observational study in psychiatric inpatients. Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, 15(6). This material can be found here.
Ip, E. J., Bui, Q. V., Barnett, M. J., Kazani, A., Wright, R., Serino, M. J., & Perry, P. J. (2013). The effect of trazodone on standardized field sobriety tests. Pharmacotherapy, 33(4), 369-374. doi:10.1002/phar.1210
Ip, E. J., Barnett, M. J., Tenerowicz, M. J., & Perry, P. J. (2012). Weightlifting’s risky new trend: A case series of 41 insulin users. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 11(4), 176-179. This material can be found here.
Ip, E. J., Lu, D. H., Barnett, M. J., Tenerowicz, M. J., Vo, J. C., & Perry, P. J. (2012). The psychological and physical impact of anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence. Pharmacotherapy, 32(10), 910-919. doi:10.1002/j.1875-9114.2012.01123
Perry, P. J., & Wilborn, C. A. (2012). Serotonin syndrome vs. neuroleptic malignant syndrome: A contrast of causes, diagnoses, and management. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 24(2), 155-162. This material can be found here.
Phan, H. M., Yoshizuka, K., Murry, D. J., & Perry, P. J. (2012). Drug testing in the workplace. Pharmacotherapy, 32(7), 649-656. doi:10.1002/j.1875-9114.2011.01089.x
Yoshizuka, K. I., & Perry, P. J. (2012). The association between pharmacologic drug intoxication and forensic-specific intent. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 25(1), 50-60. doi:10.1177/0897190011431147
Argo, T., Carnahan, R., Barnett, M. J., Holman, T., & Perry, P. J. (2011). Diabetes prevalence estimates in schizophrenia and risk factor assessment. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 23(2), 117-124.
Chou, T. I., & Perry, P. J. (2011). Pharmacotherapy of bipolar depression. California Pharmacist Journal, 58(4), 24-27.
Ip, E. J., Barnett, M. J., Tenerowicz, M. J., & Perry, P. J. (2011). The Anabolic 500 survey: Characteristics of male users versus non-users of anabolic-androgenic steroids for strength training. Pharmacotherapy, 31(8), 757-766.
Kuperman, S., Calarge, C., Kolar, A., Holman, T., Barnett, M. J., & Perry, P. J. (2011). An open-label trial of aripiprazole in the treatment of aggression in male adolescents diagnosed with conduct disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 23(4), 270-276.
Wright, R., Perry, P. J., Yoshizuka, K., Barnett, M. J. (2011). In reply to ‘‘Why we banned use of laptops and scribe notes in our classroom’’. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 75(2), 38. PMCID: PMC3073114
Barnett, M. J., VonMuenster, S. J., Wehring, H. J., Walker, V., & Perry, P. J. (2010). Assessment of monitoring for glucose and lipid dysregulation in adult Medi-Cal patients newly started on antipsychotics. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry, 22(1), 9-18. This material can be found here.