Faculty Publications
As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.
Total number of publications: 7,082
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Lee, S., Yin, C., Shah, T., Ayello, J., Morris, E., Van De Ven, C., & Cairo, M. S. (2016). Upregulation of DLEU1 significantly prolongs survival in a rituximab-treated DLEU1 knockout human Burkitt lymphoma (BL) xenograft NSG mouse model: DLEU1 may act as a tumor suppressor gene in pediatric BL. Cancer Research, 76(14 (Suppl)), 3838. doi:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2016-3838
Lee, Y. S., Doonan, B. B., Wu, J. M., & Hsieh, T. C. (2016). Combined metformin and resveratrol confers protection against UVC-induced DNA damage in A549 lung cancer cells via modulation of cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair. Oncology Reports, 35(6), 3735-3741. doi:10.3892/or.2016.4740
Legg, T. J. (2012). Credentialing for the activity professional: Taking the next step. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 13(1), 39-46.
Legg, T. J. (2012). Oral care in older adults with dementia: Challenges and approaches. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 38(8), 10-13. doi:10.3928/00989134-20120703-01
Legg, T. J. (2013). My life collage. In K. Grote & S. Warner (Eds.), Behavioral health protocols for recreational therapy (2nd ed.). Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor.
Legg, T. J. (2013). Notes from nursing: Diabetes in older adults. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Patients, 14(1), 5-8.
Legg, T. J. (2013). Notes from nursing: Rheumatoid versus osteoarthritis - Considerations for the activity director. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Patients, 14(2), 5-7.
Legg, T. J. (2014, Fall). Bath salts: Another new drug of abuse. Pennsylvania Nurse, 4-10. This material can be found here.
Legg, T. J. (2014). Reducing antipsychotic drug use in elders with dementia. Advance for Nurses, 14(1), 10-11, 14. This material can be found here.
Legg, T. J., & Buettner, L. (2011). Anything but recreation! Universal problems associated with the provision of meaningful recreation in long-term care facilities, Part 1: Activities as babysitting: When residents should not be brought to a specific activity. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 12(4), 37-42.
Legg, T. J., & Buettner, L. L. (2012). Anything but recreation: Universal problems associated with the provision of meaningful recreation in long-term care facilities, Part 2: Nursing care comes first. Activities Directors' Quarterly for Alzheimer's & Other Dementias, 13(1), 33-38.
Legg, T. J., & Nazarchuk, S. (2012). Professional characteristics of deficiency citations at F-248 in skilled nursing facilities in the United States. American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 11(2), 32-38.
Legg, T. J., & Nazarchuk, S. A. (2012). Turning a blind eye to the rules that we establish: When surveyors fail to cite facilities that fail to employ a qualified activity director in skilled nursing facilities in the United States. Long-Term Living.
Lehrer, R. (1995). Nietzsche's presence in Freud's life and thought: on the origins of a psychology of dynamic unconscious mental functioning. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
Lehrman, Y. (2010). The weakest link: The risks associated with social networking websites. Journal of Strategic Security, 3(2), 63-71.
Leitch, M., & Geliebter, A. (2015). Overeating and binge eating. In N. M. Aveda (Ed.), Hedonic eating: How the pleasure of food affects our brains and behavior (pp. 85-106). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Lemonnier, L. A., Tessema, B., Kuperan, A. B., Jourdy, D. N., Telischi, F. F., Morcos, J. J., & Casiano, R. R. (2015). Managing cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea after lateral skull base surgery via endoscopic endonasal eustachian tube closure. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy, 29(3), 207-210. doi:10.2500/ajra.2015.29.4146
Lemus-Varela, M. L., Sola, A., Golombek, S. G., Baquero, H., Borbonet, D., Davila-Aliaga, C., . . . Consenso Clinico de Dolor y Estres Neonatal, de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Neonatologia (SIBEN). (2014). Consensus on the diagnostic and therapeutic approach to pain and stress in the newborn [Consenso sobre el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico del dolor y el estrés en el recién nacido] [Article in Spanish]. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica, 36(5), 348-54.
Lemus-Varela, M., Sola, A., Golombek, S. G., Baquero, H., Dávila-Aliaga, C. R., Fariña, D., . . . Los Participantes del VII Consenso Clínico de SIBEN. (2016). Therapeutic recommendations of the VII SIBEN Clinical Consensus on hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (Recomendaciones terapéuticas del VII Consenso Clínico de SIBEN para la encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica neonatal). Neoreviews, 17(9), e554-e567. doi:10.1542/neo.17-9-e554
Lentz, R., Moore, G. D., Dilandro, A., Battaglia, F., Tubbs, R. S., Loukas, M., . . . Kozlowski, P. (2011). Anatomic study of the transverse occipital ligament with clinical relevance. Clinical Anatomy, 24(8), 1030.
Leon, T. (2012). Sometimes, Van Gogh. PPA Literary Review, 15.
Leonard, C. S., & Kukkonen, J. P. (2014). Orexin/hypocretin receptor signalling: A functional perspective. British Journal of Pharmacology, 171(2), 294-313. doi:10.1111/bph.12296
Leone, C. W., Bokhadhoor, H., Kuo, D., Desta, T., Yang, J., Siqueira, M. F., . . . Amar, S. (2006). Immunization enhances inflammation and tissue destruction in response to porphyromonas gingivalis. Infection and Immunity, 74(4), 2286-2292. doi:10.1128/IAI.74.4.2286-2292.2006
Leonoudakis, D., Rane, A., Angeli, S., Lithgow, G. J., Andersen, J. K., & Chinta, S. J. (2017). Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective role of natural product securinine in activated glial cells: Implications for Parkinson’s disease. Mediators of Inflammation, 2017 [Article 8302636]. This material can be found here.
Lerma-Ortiz, C., Jeffryes, J. G., Cooper, A. J., Niehaus, T. D., Thamm, A. M., Frelin, O., . . . Hanson, A. D. (2016). 'Nothing of chemistry disappears in biology': The Top 30 damage-prone endogenous metabolites. Biochemical Society Transactions, 44(3), 961-971. doi:10.1042/BST20160073