Faculty Publications
As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.
Total number of publications: 7,082
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Precin, P. J. (2011). Return to work after 9/11. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 38(1), 3-11. doi:10.3233/WOR-2011-1099
Precin, P. J. (2011). [Review of the book Occupational therapy in mental health: Considerations for advanced practice]. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 27(2), 191-193.
Precin, P. J. (2013). Occupational therapy and dual diagnosis: Mental illness and substance abuse. Gannett Healthcare Group/Today in OT. This material can be found here.
Precin, P. J. (2013). Psychosocial issues in rehabilitation: Bringing the unconscious to consciousness. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 33(1), 2-3. doi:10.3928/15394492-20121105-01
Precin, P. J. (2014). Psychosocial disorders. In S. B. O'Sullivan, T. J. Schmitz, & G. D. Fulk (Eds.), Physical rehabilitation (6th ed., pp. 1175-1221). Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis.
Precin, P. J. (2015). Client-centered reasoning: Narratives of people with mental illness. Brattleboro, VT: Echo Point Books and Media.
Precin, P. J. (2015). Living skills recovery workbook. Brattleboro, VT: Echo Point Books and Media.
Precin, P. J. (2016). Issues in psychoanalysis: Cyberanalysis, fMRI, psychopharmacology, dissociative identity disorder, and case publications. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Precin, P. J. (2016). The interactive role of emotional intelligence, attachment style, and resilience in the prediction of time perception in doctoral students. Psychology Research, 6, 109-207. This material can be found here.
Precin, P. J. (2017). Efficacy of a stress management module in managing stress and clean time in dual diagnosis (mental illness and substance misuse) clients. In M. Huri (Ed.), Occupational therapy - Occupation focused holistic practice in rehabilitation (pp. 67-79). Rijeka, Croatia: IN TECH. This material can be found here.
Precin, P. J. (2017). Past negative time perspective as a predictor of grade point average in occupational therapy doctoral students. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5(2) [Article 10]. This material can be found here.
Precin, P. J., & Marie, C. (2006). Rebuilding lives through the employment placement program of 9/11. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 21(3-4), 107-119.
Precin, P. J. (Ed.). (2003). Surviving 9/11: Impact and experiences of occupational therapy practitioners. New York, NY: Haworth Press.
Precin, P. J. (Ed.). (2006). Healing 9/11: Creative programming by occupational therapists. New York, NY: Haworth Press.
Precin, P. J., Otto, M., Popalzai, K., & Samuel, M. (2012). The role for occupational therapists in community mobility training for people with autism spectrum disorders. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 28(2), 129-146. doi:10.1080/0164212X.2012.679533
Precin, P. J., Timque, J., & Walsh, A. (2010). A role for occupational therapy in foster care. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 26(2), 151-175.
Schoonover, J. W., & Orentlicher, M. L. (2015). Supportive environments for transition. In M. L. Orentlicher, S. Schefkind, & R. W. Gibson (Eds.), Transitions across the lifespan: An occupational therapy approach (pp. 213-236). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
Shinn, J., Romaine, K. Casimano, T., & Jacobs, K. (2002). The effectiveness of ergonomic intervention in the classroom. Work, 18(1), 67-73. This material can be found here.
Spencer, J. (2017). Ten reasons every OT practitioner should go to #AOTA17. OT Practice, 22(4), 16–17. This material can be found here.
Tewfik, D., & Precin, P. J. (1998). The New York experience: The remodeling of mental health practice. In A. H. Scott, New frontiers in psychosocial occupational therapy (pp. 45-54). New York, NY: Haworth Press.
Tewfik, D., & Precin, P. J. (1998). The New York experience: The remodeling of mental health practice. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 14(1/2), 45-53.
Weisberg, J., & Shink, H. (2005). 3 minutes to a pain-free life. New York, NY: Atria Books. This material can be found here.
Wong, S. J. D. (2003). Service learning reflection: The human touch. In J. McCrea, M. Weissman, D. Stepp, & B. Ciha (Eds.), Intergenerational service-learning in gerontology, a compendium (vol. IV pp. 47-53). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh.
Wong, S. J. D. (2015). Transition and aging. In M. L. Orentlicher, S. Schefkind, & R. W. Gibson (Eds.), Transitions across the lifespan: An occupational therapy approach (pp. 145-172). Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.