Faculty Publications
As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.
Total number of publications: 7,082
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Citron, R. (2013). Down the rabbit hole [Review of the book A wilderness of error, by E. Morris]. Verdict. This material can be found here.
Citron, R. (2013). Introduction: Persecution through prosecution: Revisiting Touro Law Center's Conference in Paris on the Dreyfus Affair and the Leo Frank Trial. Touro Law Review, 29, 1-4. This material can be found here.
Citron, R. (2015). [Review of the book The glass cage: Automation and us, by N. Carr]. Journal of Legal Education, 64(4), 712-714. This material can be found here.
Coutts, C., Basmajian, C., Merriam, D., & Salkin, P. (2013). Planning for the deceased. Chicago, IL: APA Planning Advisory Service.
Crincoli, S. (2012). Olympics: Inclusion & exclusion of athletes at London 2012. World Sports Law Report, 10, 14.
Crisci, I. (2015). [Contributor]. Bibliography. In P. E. Salkin (Ed.), Zoning and planning law handbook (2015 ed., pp. 851-860). New York, NY: Clark Boardman Callaghan.
Curcio, A. A., Chomsky, C. L., & Kaufman, E. (2014). Testing, diversity, and merit: A reply to Dan Subotnik and others. University of Massachusetts Law Review, 9, 206-276. This material can be found here.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. (2012). Developing professional identity through reflective practice. Touro Law Review, 28, 1443.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. (2012). It's not just a writing problem. The Learning Curve, 9.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. (2015). How to ace the bar exam. National Jurist, 24(3), D2. This material can be found here.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. (2016). UBE-shopping: An unintended consequence of portability? NYSBA Journal, 88, 46-51. This material can be found here.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. & Chanin, N. E. (2012). Making IRAC visible. Law Teacher, 18, 36.
Darrow-Kleinhaus, S., & Kwestel, S. (2015). Mapping contracts (7th ed.). St. Paul, MN: West Academic.
Davis, P. (2012). Civilizing discussion in the law school classroom. The Law Teacher, 18, 13.
Delaney, J. J., Abrams, S. D., Schnidman, F., Salkin, P. E., & Tappendorf, J. A. (2016). Handling the land use case: Land use law, practice & forms (3rd ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson West.
Derby, D. H. (2014). Cấm tra tấn và việc thực hiện công ước của Liên hợp quốc về Chống tra tấn - hai mặt của một đồng xu? [Prohibiting torture and the implementation of the UN Convention Against Torture – Two sides of the same coin?]. Khoa Học Pháp Lý [Legal Sciences], 3, 10-16.
Dernbach, J. C., Salkin, P. E., & Brown, D. A. (2012). Sustainability as a means of improving environmental justice. Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Law, 19, 1.
Ezor, J. (2012). Privacy and data protection in business: Laws and practices. New Providence, NJ : LexisNexis.
Ezor, J. (2013). Streaming while teaching: The legality of using person streaming video accounts for the classroom. Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology, 23(1), 221-236 .
Gallagher, M. C., & Darrow-Kleinhaus, S. (2015). A comparison of the New York Bar Examination and the proposed Uniform Bar Examination. NYSBA Journal, 87, 32-38. This material can be found here.
Graves, J. (2011). Arbitration as contract: The need for a fully developed and comprehensive set of statutory default legal rules. William & Mary Business Law Review, 2(2), 227-290.
Graves, J. (2011). CISG Article 6 and issues of formation: The problem of circularity. Belgrade Law Review, 3, 124-139.
Graves, J. (2012). Court litigation over arbitration agreements: Is it time for a new default rule? American Review of International Arbitration, 23, 113.
Graves, J. (2012). Penalty clauses and the CISG. Journal of Law & Commerce, 30, 153.
Graves, J. (2013). An essay on rebuilding and renewal in American legal education. Touro Law Review, 29(2), 375-388.