Publications for Rosemary Flanagan

Department of Behavioral Science
  • Flanagan, R. (2017). Using cognitive and behavioral methods to support bereaved students. In J. A. Brown & S. R. Jimerson (Eds.), Supporting bereaved students at school (pp. 130-148). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

  • Flanagan, R. (2015). Don't put the cart before the horse: Implementation of mental health programs in schools [Review of the book Implementation of mental health programs in schools: A change agent’s guide, by S. G. Forman]. PsycCRITIQUES, 60(31). doi:10.1037/a0039497

  • Flanagan, R. (2015). Professional issues in cognitive and behavioral practice for school psychologists. In R. Flanagan, K. Allen, & E. Levine (Eds.), Cognitive and behavioral interventions in the schools: Integrating theory and research into practice (pp. 307-321). New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1972-7_15

  • Flanagan, R., Allen, K., & Levine, E. (Eds.). (2015). Cognitive and behavioral interventions in the schools: Integrating theory and research into practice. New York, NY: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-1972-7

  • Flanagan, R. (2014). [Review of the Inventory of Legal Knowledge]. In J. F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), The nineteenth mental measurements yearbook (p. 368-370). Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing.

  • Flanagan, R. (2014). [Review of the Parenting Success Indicator]. In J. F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), The nineteenth mental measurements yearbook (pp. 526-528). Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing.

  • Flanagan, R. (2013). Problem solving in the therapeutic process: Strategic decision making in cognitive behavioral therapy. PsycCritiques, 58(51). doi:10.1037/a0034507

  • Flanagan, R. (2013). Soup to nuts: Essentials for practice. PsycCritiques, 58(4). doi:10.1037/a0030669

  • Flanagan, R. (2011). Parent feedback conferences: An opportunity to intervene? Psychology in the Schools, 48(3), 307-315. doi:10.1002/pits.20555

  • Flanagan, R., Allen, K., & Levine, E. S. (Eds.). (2011). Cognitive-behavioral therapy in the schools. Psychology in the Schools, 48(3), 215-315. This material can be found here.

  • Flanagan, R., & Grehan, P. (2011). Assessing school psychology supervisor characteristics: Questionnaire development and findings. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 27(1), 21-41. doi:10.1080/15377903.2011.540504

  • Flanagan, R. (2010). [Review of Beck youth inventories, 2nd edition, by J. S. Beck, A. T. Beck, J. B. Jolly, & R. A. Steer]. In R. A. Spies, J. F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Eds.), Eighteenth mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

  • Flanagan, R., Allen, K., & Henry, D. J. (2010). The impact of anger management treatment and rational emotive behavior therapy in a public school setting on social skills, anger management, and depression. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 28(2), 87-99. doi:10.1007/s10942-009-0102-4

  • Flanagan, R., & Henington, C. (2010). [Review of Developmental profile, third edition, by G. D. Alpern]. In R. A. Spies, J. F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Eds.), Eighteenth mental measurements yearbook (pp. 166-170). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

  • Flanagan, R., & Miller, J. A. (2010). Specialty competencies in school psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. This material can be found here.

  • Flanagan, R. (2008). [Review of Roberts-2, by G. E. Roberts & C. Gruber]. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 26(3), 304-310. doi:10.1177/0734282907308465

  • Esquivel, G. B., & Flanagan, R. (2007). Narrative methods of personality assessment in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 44(3), 271-280. doi:10.1002/pits.20222

  • Flanagan, R. (2007). Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Child. In B. S. Plake, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp. 234-237).  Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

  • Flanagan, R. (2007). Comments on the miniseries: Personality assessment in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 44(3), 311-318. doi:10.1002/pits.20225

  • Flanagan, R. (2007). Pre-Referral Intervention Manual- third edition.  In B. S. Plake, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), The Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp. 661-663). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

  • Flanagan, R., & Motta, R. (2007). Figure drawings: A popular method. Psychology in the Schools, 44(3), 257-270. doi:10.1002/pits.20221

  • Flanagan, R., Costantino, G., Cardalda, E., & Constantino, E. (2007). TEMAS: A multicultural test and its place in an assessment battery. In L. Suzuki, & J. Ponterotto (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Assessment. (3rd ed., pp. 323-345). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. This material can be found here.

  • Flanagan, R. (2006).  The Rorschach: A comprehensive system (4th ed.) Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 24(2), 166-171. doi:10.1177/0734282905285790

  • Flanagan, R., & Esquivel, G. (2006). Empirical and clinical methods in the assessment of personality and psychopathology: An integrative approach for training. Psychology in the Schools, 43(4), 513-526. doi:10.1002/pits.20165

  • Flanagan, R. (2005). Child symptom inventory-4. In B. S. Plake, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), The Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook (pp. 192-194). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

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