Publications for Richard Waxman

Department of Behavioral Science
  • Litman, L., Costantino, G., Waxman, R., Sanabria-Velez, C., Rodriguez-Guzman, V. M., Lampon-Velez, A., . . . Cruz, T. (2015). Relationship between peer victimization and posttraumatic stress among primary school children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 28(4), 348-354. doi:10.1002/jts.22031

  • Costantino, G., Litman, L., Waxman, R., Dupertuis, D., Pais, E., Rosenzweig, C., . . . Canales, M. M. F. (2014). Tell-me-a-story (TEMAS) assessment for culturally diverse children and adolescents. Rorschachiana, 35(2), 154-175. doi:10.1027/1192-5604/a000054

  • Kurylo, D. D., Larkin, G. B., Waxman, R., & Bukhari, F. (2014). Speed of perceptual grouping in acquired brain injury. Experimental Brain Research, 232(9), 2899-2905.