Faculty Publications

As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.

Total number of publications: 7,082

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  • Mandelstam, O. (2010). Armenia (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). International Literary Quarterly, 13(2). Probstein, I. E." href="http://www.interlitq.org/issue13-2/osip-mandelstam/job.php" target="_blank">This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2011). I’ll rush along a gypsy camp of a dark street (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Crazyhorse Literary Journal, 80, 87-89.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2011, March). “Octaves” and other poems by Osip Mandelstam (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Brooklyn Rail: In Translation. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2011, March). The Slate Ode (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Brooklyn Rail: In Translation. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2011). They run like a gypsy crowd (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Crazyhorse Literary Journal, 80, 87-89.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2012). 10 January 1934 (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 12.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2012). Amidst the crowd, bearded and deep in thought (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 14.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2012). He conducted the orchestra of the Caucasian peaks (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 14.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2012). To the memory of Andrei Bely (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 11.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2012). When a soul, shy and fast (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 13.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 4, 14-20. This material can be found here. 

  • Mandelstam, O. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 5, 15-20. This material can be found here. 

  • Mandelstam, O. (2014). [Poems] (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 9, 19-28. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2014). Untruth (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Sibila. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, O. (2016, Summer/Fall). The horseshoe finder / The age / January 1, 1924 (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Lunch Ticket. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2011). Poems by Roald Mandelstam (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Brooklyn Rail: In Translation. This material can be found here.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Atlantis (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 17.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Dialogue (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Metamorphoses, 20(1), 48-51.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). For Arefiev (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 21.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). I’ve gone a long way (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 24.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Lamarck (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Metamorphoses, 20(1), 76-79.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Lemon-seller (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Metamorphoses, 20(1), 48-51.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Notturno (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 15.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Notturno I (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 16.

  • Mandelstam, R. (2012). Once there was Hellas on Earth (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 3, 18.

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