Faculty Publications
As of August 2017, this database is no longer being updated. For the most current publications from the faculty, students, and staff of Touro University, please check our institutional repository, Touro Scholar, and email any questions or publication submissions to touro.scholar@touro.edu.
Total number of publications: 7,082
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Logsdon, A. F., Turner, R. C., Lucke-Wold, B. P., Robson, M. J., Naser, Z. J., Smith, K. E., . . . Matsumoto, R. R. (2014). Altering endoplasmic reticulum stress in a model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury controls cellular fate and ameliorates neuropsychiatric symptoms. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 8 [Article 421]. doi:10.3389/fncel.2014.00421
Lubovac-Pilav, Z, Borràs, D. M., Ponce, E., Louie, M. C. (2013). Using expression profiling to understand the effects of chronic cadmium exposure on MCF-7 breast cancer cells. PLoS One, 8(12) [Article e84646]. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084646
Lucke-Wold, B. P., Nguyen, L., Turner, R. C., Logsdon, A. F., Chen, Y. W., Smith, K. E., . . . Matsumoto, R. R. (2015). Traumatic brain injury and epilepsy: Underlying mechanisms leading to seizure, Seizure, 33, 13-23. doi:10.1016/j.seizure.2015.10.002
Lulla, A., Pino, M. A., Pieogonektka-Ottlik, M., Młochowski, J., Sparavalo, O., & Billack, B. (2013). Ebselen reduces the toxicity of mechlorethamine in A-431 cells via inhibition of apoptosis. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 27(6), 313-322. doi:10.1002/jbt.21490
Lund, G., & Carreiro, J. E. (2010). Characteristics of pediatric patients seen in medical school–based osteopathic manipulative medicine clinics. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 110(7) 376-380. This material can be found here.
Lund, G. C., Edwards, G., Medlin, B., Keller, D., Beck, B., & Carreiro, J. E. (2011). Osteopathic manipulative treatment for the treatment of hospitalized premature infants with nipple feeding dysfunction. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 111(1), 44-48.
Lynch, K., Venugopalan, V., & Hidayat, L. (2014). The effect of diabetes mellitus on the clinical and micro-biological outcomes in patients with acute pyelonephritis. American Journal of Infectious Diseases, 10(2), 71-76. doi:10.3844/ajidsp.2014.71.76
Machino, K., Link, C. D., Wang, S., Murakami, H., & Murakami, S. (2014). A semi-automated motion-tracking analysis of locomotion speed in the C. elegans transgenics overexpressing beta-amyloid in neurons. Frontiers in Genetics, 5 [Article 202]. doi:10.3389/fgene.2014.00202
Madan, M., & Amar, S. (2008). Toll-like receptor-2 mediates diet and/or pathogen associated atherosclerosis: Proteomic findings. PLOS One, 3(9) [Article e3204]. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003204
Madden, D. T., Davila-Kruger, D., Melov, S., & Bredesen, D. E. (2011). Human embryonic stem cells express elevated levels of multiple pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family members. PLoS One, 6(12), e28530. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028530
Magel, J. R. (1970, March). Propelling force measured during tethered swimming in the four competitive swimming styles. Research Quarterly, 41(1), 68-74.
Magel, J. R. (1971, December). Comparison of the physiologic response to varying intensities of submaximal work in tethered swimming and treadmill running. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 11(4), 203-12.
Magel, J. R. (1974, Fall). [Review of the book Conditioning]. Medicine & Science in Sports, 6(3), v.
Magel, J. R. (1976, Summer). [Review of the book Scientific aspects of sports training]. Medicine & Science in Sports, 8(2), v.
Magel, J. R., & McArdle, W. D. (1970, Fall). Physical work capacity and maximum oxygen uptake in treadmill and bicycle exercise. Medicine & Science in Sports, 2(3), 118-123.
Magel, J. R., Foglia, G. F., McArdle, W. D., Gutin, B., Pechar, G. S., & Katch, F. I. (1975, January). Specificity of swim training on maximum oxygen uptake. Journal of Applied Physiology, 38(1), 151-155.
Magel, J. R., McArdle, W. D., Toner, M., & Delio, D. J. (1978, July). Metabolic and cardiovascular adjustment to arm training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 45(1), 75-79.
Magel, J. R., McArdle, W. D., Weiss, N. L., Stone, S., & Newman, A. (1982). Heart rate response to apnea and face immersion. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 22(2), 135-146.
Mahajan, N., Hollander, G., Thekkoott, D., Temple, B., Malik, B., Abrol, S., . . . Yens, D. P. (2006). Prediction of left main coronary artery obstruction by 12-lead electrocardiography: ST segment deviation in lead V6 greater than or equal to ST segment deviation in lead V1. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 1(2), 102-112. doi:10.1111/j.1542-474X.2006.00090.x
Mak, A. C. Y., Pullinger, C. R., Tang, L. F., Wong, J. S., Deo, R. C., Schwarz, J. M., . . . Gugliucci, A. (2014). Effects of the absence of apolipoprotein E on lipoproteins, neurocognitive function, and retinal function. JAMA Neurology, 71(10), 1228-1236. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.2011
Makaryus, M., Sahni, S., Kumar, A., Shah, R. D., Cohen, S. L., Mehrishi, S., & Talwar, A. (2017). Right ventricular perforation and subsequent cardiac tamponade caused by IVC filter strut fracture migration. Journal of Acute Medicine, 7(2), 87-91. https://doi.org/10.6705/j.jacme.2017.0702.008
Maker, J. H., & Dager, W. E. (2017). Acute kidney injury. In J. T. DiPiro, R. L. Talbert, G. C. Yee, G. R. Matzke, B. G. Wells, & L. M. Posey (Eds.), Pharmacotherapy: A pathophysiologic approach (pp. 589-608). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Maldonado, A. (2011). Initiating HIV antiretroviral therapy: Criteria, evidence, and controversy. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, 24(2), 26-30. This material can be found here.
Malhotra, P., Singh, K., Gill, P., Sahni, S., Makaryus, M., & Talwar, A. (2017). Pseudomembranous tracheitis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in the setting of high grade T-cell lymphoma. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, 21, 42-45. This material can be found here.
Malouf, P., Hendriksz, T., & Foy, J. (2012). Strategies for increasing adolescent compliance with vaccination against human papillomavirus. AOA Health Watch, 7(4), 17-22. This material can be found here.