Publications for Ian E. Probstein
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Karty merkatora: Yan Probshteyn. Rech' kak parol' [Mercator's map: Ian Probstein. Speech as a password]. Gvideon, 9. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Legkaya vesna [Light spring]. In Nash Krym [Our Crimea] (pp. 202-205). New York, NY: KRiK. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). "Moj neprikajannyj pokoj". O pojezii Nikolaja Shatrova (1929-1977) [My restless peace. On the poetry of Nikolaj Shatrov (1929-1977)]. Setevaja Slovesnost' [Net Word Art]. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Nerazmennoe nebo [On Russian meta-metaphoric poets]. Novye Oblaka [New Clouds], 3-4(69-70). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Oduhotvorennaja zemlja. O pojezii S. V. Petrova [Spiritualized soil. On the poetry of S. V. Petrov]. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie [New Literary Observer], 128(4). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Oduhotvorennaja zemlja [Spiritualized soil]: A book of essays on Russian poetry. Moscow, Russia: Agraf.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Pereklichka s soboy [Roll call with oneself]. Sem' Iskusstv [Seven Arts], 7(54). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). [Poems]. Minsk Shkola [Minsk School], 3, 49-65.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). [Poems]. Svyaz' vremon [Time Joint]. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Romantiki kak predtechi modernizma [Romantics as precursors of modernism]. Sem' Iskusstv [Seven Arts], 5(52). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Stikhotvoryeniya [Poetry]. Plavuchiy Most [Floating Bridge], 1. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Svidetel'stvo bessmertija: Jemili Dikinson (1830–1886) [Certificate of immortality: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)]. Gefter. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Tochka peresechenija vremeni s vechnost'ju [The point of intersection of timeless with time]. Novye Oblaka [New Clouds], 3-4(69-70). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). Tomas Sternz Eliot. Stikhotvoreniya 1910- 1916 [Thomas Stearns Eliot. Poems 1910-1916]. Novye Oblaka [New Clouds], 3-4(69-70). This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2014). V nachale Pojeticheskij den' na Pojet Dilan Tomas (1914–1953): perevody i kommentarii Jana Probshtejna [In the beginning: an essay dedicated to the centenary of Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)]. Gefter. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2015). Takoye s trezvykh glaz voobrazhayesh' yedva li [One can’t imagine this through a sober eye]. Plavuchiy Most [Floating Bridge]. This material can be found here.
Shelley, P. B. (2014). Persi Bishi Shelli (1792-1822) [Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822] (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Chelovek Na Zemle [Man on Earth], 5, 108-111. This material can be found here.
Thomas, D. (2014). Dilan Tomas. Sorvali solntse, skoshen veter [Dylan Thomas. They tore out the sun and brought down the wind] I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Novye Oblaka [New Clouds], 3-4(69-70). This material can be found here.
Thomas, D. (2014). Dilan Tomas: Stikhotvoreniya [Dylan Thomas: Poems] (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Setevaja Slovesnost' [Net Word Art]. This material can be found here.
Thomas, D. (2014). Stikhi. [Poems] (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Svyaz' vremon [Time Joint]. This material can be found here.
Ashbery, J. (2013). Translation of poems (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Net Word Art. This material can be found here.
Ashbery, J. (2013). Translation of poems (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). The 45 Parallel, 30, 270. This material can be found here.
Bernstein, C. (2013). Poems into Russian (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Net Word Art. This material can be found here.
Bernstein, C. (2013). Poems into Russian: Part I, II, and III (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Oblaka, 3-4. This material can be found here.
Cummings, E. E. (2013). Translation of poems (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Almanac of Literature and Art New Skin, 4, 120–128. This material can be found here.