Publications for Ian E. Probstein
Eliot, T. S. (2013). Complete poems. (I. E. Probstein, Y. Rats, & A. Sergeev, Trans.). Moscow: ACT.
Hejinian, L. (2013). Beyond finitude: In memoriam ATD (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Gvideon, 6. This material can be found here.
Khodasevich, V. (2013). Heavy lyre (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 6, 12-16. This material can be found here.
Mandelstam, O. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 4, 14-20. This material can be found here.
Mandelstam, O. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 5, 15-20. This material can be found here.
Mandelstam, R. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 4, 21-27. This material can be found here.
Mandelstam, R. (2013). Poems. (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 5, 21-25. This material can be found here.
Nabokov, V. (2013). "First Canto" from Pale Fire (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Poet’s Journal, 12, 56.
Plath, S. (2013). From Ariel (part II). (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Oblaka, 3-4. This material can be found here.
Plath, S. (2013). From collected poems (part I). (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Oblaka, 3-4. This material can be found here.
Plath, S. (2013). From the poems of Ariel (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Gefter. This material can be found here.
Plath, S. (2013). Poems in Russian (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). 45 Parallel, 35, 278. This material can be found here.
Plath, S. (2013). Poems in Russian (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Net Word Art. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). A sketch on the wind: An essay about John Ashbery's work. Gvideon, 4, 268-276.
Probstein, I.E. (2013). Elegy in memoriam of Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Gvideon, 5. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). On the poems of Sylvia Plath. Net Word Art. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). On the poetics of Arkadii Dragomoshchenko in "On the banks of the excluded river". Gvideon, 5. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). On the poetry of Nikolai Shatrov and Vladimir Mikushevich, Gefter. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). Poems in Russian. 45 Parallel, 28, 268. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). Poems in Russian. Net Word Art. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). Poems in Russian. Poets' Journal, 2(46), 9.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). Poems into Russian. Oblaka, 3-4. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). [Review of the book The sphere of words, by G. Katsov]. New Literary Observer, 123. This material can be found here.
Probstein, I. E. (2013). The brightest kind of maturity: On the surrealism in the poetry of John Ashbery. The 45 Parallel, 30(270). This material can be found here.
Schvarts, E. (2013). Elegies on the cardinal points (I. E. Probstein, Trans.). Four Centuries: Russian Poetry in Translation, 6, 17-21. This material can be found here.